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Duo - Adding (or Removing) a second device

Students, faculty and staff can prevent Duo lock out by following these important steps when they wish to add or remove a new device. Contact OIT Help Desk if you need additional assistance.

If your Duo account was previously locked due to a lost phone or other incident, contact OIT Help Desk for assistance. Call: 315-268-HELP (x4357) Email: 
Students, faculty and staff can prevent Duo lock out by following these important steps when they wish to add or remove a new device. Contact OIT Help Desk if you need additional assistance.

If your Duo account was previously locked due to a lost phone or other incident, contact OIT Help Desk for assistance. Call: 315-268-HELP (x4357) Email: 

1. Before you activate a new phone, you must be at a computer and go to

NOTE: You may need your old phone available to get past the DUO push authentication

2. Once you have logged into the portal, click on Manage Duo Devices. You may be prompted to authenticate again. ManageDevices.JPG
2. Once you are at the Duo My Settings & Devices  screen (see image to the right), keep this window  NewPortal.JPG
If you have a university-purchased cellphone, follow the activation instructions that came with your phone.  This is done typically by calling the Verizon activation portal (1-877-807-4646) from a separate device.  DO NOT CALL FROM EITHER YOUR OLD PHONE OR YOUR NEW PHONE. V FDCV J.png
On your new phone, go to the App Store and search for Duo Mobile and then install the app.
Open the app and if prompted, be sure to allow the app access to your camera.
Once your new phone is active and you have the Duo Mobile app installed, return to your computer with the Duo My Settings & Devices screen open.  Click on +Add another device to add a new device to your account, or click on I have a new phone to replace your current device NewPortal.JPG
 If you are adding a new device, enter a phone number and Continue, or click on I have a Tablet Enrollment3.JPG
Assuming that you already installed the Duo Mobile app on your new phone as described above, click "I have Duo Mobile Installed." 


This will take you to another screen - Activate Duo Mobile for iOS - which contains a QR code.

With the QR code on your computer screen, pick up the new cellphone, open the Duo Mobile App (if prompted, be sure to allow the app access to your camera) and tap the + button in the upper right. 

Hold the phone up pointing at your computer screen to scan the QR code.  Once successful, you will notice a checkmark on the computer screen and you can then click Continue.
It will ask you to use one of the two verification methods to make sure the new device is working


If your new phone also has a new phone number, you should remove the old device/number from the portal.  

  1. Locate the older device in the section My Settings & Devices - Click Device Options 


  2. Click the red trashcan icon 


  3. Click the Remove button to confirm the deletion
