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Sign Up: HOW TO: Zoom 101 : In Meeting Controls (Basic) Live Daily Zoom Meetin...

Zoom - Alternate Host

Alternate Host: Zoom admins and account holders can add other Zoom licensed account holders as Al...

Zoom - Breakout Rooms

One instructors account of using Zoom Breakout Rooms: "We enable breakrooms for each of our sess...

Zoom - Set up Polling and Breakout Rooms

In addition to sharing content on your screen, you may want to engage or get feedback from studen...

Zoom - Increase participants viewed in Gallery View

Zoom will permit up to 49 participants in 'gallery view.'  There is a setting in your client wher...

Zoom - Join Clarkson Zoom Account

If you have a pre-existing Zoom account with your Clarkson email address, you will be prompted to...

Zoom - Language Interpretation

Language interpretation is available in Zoom meetings at When setting up your ...

Zoom - Logging In - Best Practices

Zoom Web Portal To get started with Zoom at Clarkson go to - click Sign...

Zoom - Mic & Speaker Settings in the Classroom

To ensure Zoom participants can hear and be heard, the Zoom host must check that the correct micr...

Zoom - Participants Share Screen

By default, only Zoom Meeting Hosts are permitted to Share Screen. Zoom Hosts can allow participa...

Zoom - Recording Lifecycle

Zoom Cloud recordings expire 30 days from the date they are created. Additionally, users may opt...

Zoom - Registered Participants

If a host would like to keep track of who attends a Zoom meeting it would be done by requiring re...

Zoom - Setting Up A Meeting

NOTE:  Even though Zoom will allow you to schedule multiple concurrent meetings, you can only hos...

Zoom - Student How To Join a Meeting

The following are resources to share with students.  View the one minute video Join a Meeting. ...

Zoom - Waiting Room

One of the best ways to use Zoom for public events is to enable the Waiting Room feature. Just li...

Zoom - Webinar

The Host of a Webinar has options to manage interactions with Panelists and Attendees. See below:...

Zoom - Zoom Room Start Up

Hybrid Classrooms with Zoom Room technology allow for a stable, online meeting platform for synch...

Zoom: Attendance for Your Online Meetings

Attendance for Your Zoom Online Meetings Taking attendance in Zoom is easy as long as you have s...

Zoom - Google Calendar Integration

Google Calendar Integration: Zoom provides an addon by the name of 'Zoom for Google Workspace' th...