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Connecting To A PC Using Remote Desktop


This article provides steps for individuals to connect to their personal computer (PC) from a remote location using Remote Desktop.


Before learning how to connect PLEASE read the instructions BELOW** how to end a remote desktop connection. Doing it wrong will prevent you from connecting again. 


  1. Be sure this is complete: Setting Up My PC To Allow Remote Desktop Connections.
  2. Make sure you are connected via VPN.
  3. Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Remote Desktop Connection.
  4. Enter your computer name you copied in step 1. (not the IP address) and click 'Connect'.

Image shows Remote Desktop Connection, Computer: (fill in computer name), then click Connect.

5. You will then be prompted for your username and password.  Note that it may be necessary to precede your username with "ad\" to specify that you authenticating using Clarkson's active directory (ad).

6. Complete a Duo prompt: you will be required to authenticate with Duo in addition to entering your username and password.  You will be presented with one of the following dialog boxes, depending on the options you chose during setup.  


  • If you are authenticating using push notifications, authorize your login on your mobile device.  If you are authenticating with a passcode, retrieve it from the Duo app on our mobile device or from your hardware token. 
    **Please note, when entering a passcode you must Click on the green "Enter a Passcode" button before the application will allow you to enter the passcode from your device.

7. Click OK.

To End: A Remote Desktop Session

When ending your Remote Desktop Connect, click on the X in the tool bar at the top of the screen. 

DO NOT GO TO THE START MENU AND CLICK SHUTDOWN!  This will turn off the remote computer and then you won't be able to connect to it again.

Close up image of X in upper menu of Remote Desktop Screen Image ( <Close up view)

Remote Desktop Screen Image