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Account Deactivation Policy


Vital to protecting the integrity of the Clarkson Network is the timely termination of account access for users who leave the university.  This policy will clarify the distinctions in account termination based on the manner in which the user departs from the University.


The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized timeframe for deactivating access to Clarkson information systems for users who leave the university.


The scope of this policy includes all personnel who have or are responsible for an account (or any form of access that supports or requires a password) on any system that resides at any Clarkson facility, has access to the Clarkson network, or stores any non-public Clarkson information.  


Accounts will be reviewed at the end of the each semester to set deactivation dates based on student status.  Faculty and Staff deactivations are dependent on coordination with the Human Resources department.  Deviations from this policy will require approval of the CIO.

Accounts not associated with members of the University

Accounts that were created for an pending member of the University community who never committed to joining the University will be deactivated one year after the account was created. This includes accounts created for students who applied to the university that never matriculated, as well as persons who were hired as faculty or staff, but withdrew from the process.


Faculty who amicably leave the University will be extended access to e-mail and data accounts for a period of 90 days after the last day of their last semester of employment or the last official date of employment, whichever is greater.  All access to administrative accounts will be terminated immediately upon their official departure date.


Staff who leave the university will have all account access terminated immediately upon their official departure date.  Staff who leave amicably may make arrangements for personal data and e-mail to be copied to removable media prior to their departure date.

Administrative Accounts

Any individual who has an administrative account will have that account terminated immediately upon their official departure date.


Graduating students will be given access to e-mail for one year after graduation.  Students returning for graduate school at Clarkson should notify the IT HelpDesk if they wish to keep their data accounts active beyond one year. Students who leave the University for academic reasons, or who are not enrolled at the end of the add-drop period will remain active for one year. Students who are asked to leave the University for administrative reasons will have their accounts deactivated six months from the last day of attendance.

All Users

All users will be notified via their Clarkson email 14 days prior to their account deactivation, except in the case of a user who is forcefully separated from the University.