Connect to the VPN with iOS
This tutorial will show you how to configure the Cisco VPN on your iPhone or iPad. If you have already installed and configured the AnyConnect app, open AnyConnect and proceed to step 6.
1. Install the Cisco AnyConnect app from the App Store:
2. Open the Cisco AnyConnect app. If you receive a notification about adding a VPN configuration, it is safe in this case to chose Allow. You may also be prompted to enter your device's passcode or password.
3. Tap Connections and then Add VPN Connection...
4. Enter the following details and then tap Save.
Server Address: ** **(Note: is also valid)
5. Ensure the new connection is selected and tap the Backbutton to go back to the app's main page.
6. Toggle the AnyConnect VPN ON. Proceed to login using the CAS and Duo prompts.
You are now connected to the VPN. The app shows Connected and the VPN icon appears in the status bar. You may close the app.