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Moodle: Question Sharer Role for Question Bank

Instructors may be interested in sharing Question Bank questions from one course to another, or one instructor to another. 

Moodle docs reports this is possible by assigning the teacher the Question Sharer role. 

The Question Sharer role has been created and will be assigned to instructors by request. 

Teachers can save questions to the Category or to the System and then access those questions from courses either in the same category or system wide.

The Question Sharer role is a system wide role. To locate and add this role to users you must go to:

  • Site Administration
  • Users
  • Assign System Roles
  • Search for desired user, add role. User must have Non Editing Teacher or Teacher role in at least one course to appear in the Search results.

To access the System level folder in Question bank,
1) Go to any of the courses where you are a teacher. 
2) Go to Course Administration, Question Bank. Select Categories.
3) You may want to create a new System level folder. You can add sub folders, import or create questions in there, and then access them from any course going forward.