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Quiz: Importing a Quiz to Moodle

Best practice for using quizzes in Moodle is to add questions to the Question Bank first and then add them to the actual quizzes from the Question Bank. The first step is to create categories for organizing the questions. You might organize by topic, chapter or week, for example. This will guide will walk you through how to create a category in your course Question Bank in Moodle. Then you can add questions to the categories by creating them from scratch in the Question Bank (Moodle Doc) or uploading a formatted .txt file from instructions given from the "Quiz: Saving a Quiz as a .txt File for importing into Moodle" Article. 

  1. In the Moodle Course go to the "Administration" block and click on "Question Bank"
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_1.jpg

  2. Then click on the "Categories" under "Question Bank"
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_2.jpg

  3. Select the drop-down menu next to "Parent category:" Click "Top", to create a new parent category for the questions (e.g "Chapter 1")
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_3.jpg

  4. Select the drop-down menu and choose "Chapter 1" for the Parent Category and name the sub-category
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_4.jpg

  5. Go back to the "Administration" Block and click on "Import"
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_5.jpg

  6. Select "Aiken Format

    1. "Under "General", go to "Import Category" choose the preferred category

    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_6.jpg

  7. Under "Import Questions from File", click on "Choose a File...", Find the formatted .txt file, 

  8. Rename the quiz next to "Save As"
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_7.jpg

  9. Click on "Upload this File"

  10. Click on "Import"
    Importing a Quiz to Moodle_8.jpg

  11. Click "Continue"

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