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Forum Not Visible in Gradebook


If you do not see your discussion forums in showing the course gradebook, the settings for the forum are probably set to “none”. You will need to edit the settings for the forum(s).

Here’s how:

  1. Turn editing on in your course. image.png


  2. Go to the Forum(s) that is not visible in the gradebook and click the ellipse (3 dots on the right of the Forum title to Edit.

  3. On the drop down menu, choose Edit Settings.


Forums can be graded either by Whole Forum Grade or Ratings, either option sends the grade/rating to the Grader Report automatically.


4. Scroll down in the forum settings to the Whole Forum Grade area and click the arrow to the left of Grade. If you see None for the Grade Type, then you need to change this setting. There are several options for getting Discussion grades to the Gradebook.


In the Whole Forum Grading, you can choose either Point or Scale, depending on your grade preferences explained to students in the syllabus and/or rubric. The Points and Grading Method are another choice to make. And if you have set up Grade Categories, the Forum will automatically fall into place in the Gradebook Set up.


Rating Posts in a Forum

Another way to grade students is by rating the posts


See detailed information for Forums in the Moodle Help & Documentation