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Create Custom LTI with Third Party Provider with the External Tool Actvity in Moodle

Instructors may have occasion to bring content directly into your Moodle course from an outside content provider, often a publisher, i.e. Pearson, Perusall, Wiley Plus, etc.  This requires a custom LTI using the External Tool activity in Moodle.

Steps to Add and External Tool with LTI

Example: Pearson
  1. Turn Editing On
  2.  Click on Add an Activity or Resource at the bottom of a section.
  3. Select External Tool


4. Click the drop down menu next to Automatic, based on tool URL and choose your third party provider.


Click to Select content and follow the steps for your chosen 3rd party provider.


5) Give your Activity a Name, and if required, fill in any Consumer Key, Shared Secret, Custom parameters provided by the 3rd party.


6) Save and return to course.



  1. f you are using Perusall in your Moodle 4 course we made the switch to version LTI 1.3 in August 2023. you will need to follow these instructions from Perusal Support the first time you setup the external link in Moodle 4.
  2. If you have questions or need help, See Perusall Support-Moodle Integrated LTI 1.3.

Steps for Wiley Plus Integration