Course Start-Up
Show Moodle Course to Students
Summary: At the beginning of each term, teachers must change the Course Visibility from 'Hide' t...
Add a Course Image to your Course for Display on the Dashboard
Courses are often easier to locate on the Dashboard when a course image has been added in the Cou...
Post the Course Syllabus
Students will look for your syllabus at the Course Syllabus button posted at the top of your cour...
Institution Course Template
All Moodle courses come with a default course template that when filled out correctly will welcom...
Add your own 'Getting Started' Information - Top of Course Homepage
Please welcome your students and get them started in the class! The course homepage is the perfe...
Communicating with Your Students in Moodle
Communicating with Students is easy with Moodle 4, and you have several options depending upon yo...
Post an Announcement
Summary The News & Announcements forum is a great way to easily and quickly get a message out to...
Set Up Virtual Class and Recordings
Note: Teachers please complete the steps described in this article no more than two weeks before ...
Add Text and Media (formerly Label) to the Moodle Course Page
Summary Teachers use the Text and Media area (formerly Label) resource tool to display informati...
Hide / Show Activities and Resources in Your Course
Summary Teachers can choose to show or hide course items to students. This option is available o...
Moodle Course Visibility & Date Settings
Course Visibility Visibility determines whether students can access the course. If the setting i...
Post a file
To post a file that students can click and view from the homepage of your course Click the p...
Moodle 4 Gradebook
Consider the following resources when learning how to set up your gradebook in Moodle: 1) Moodle...
Create an Active Hyperlink
Quality Matters and Universal Design guidelines state that when linking to the Internet, use desc...
Create a URL/Link
There are several ways to create a hyperlink to a website or course material in Moodle. The proce...
Moodle: Insert an Image
Often you can copy and paste an image into a Moodle topic, page, forum, etc. See the example belo...
Create a Page To create a page that students can click from the homepage of your course to view:...
Checklist for Instructors: Semester Term Start Up
Summary: The following is checklist with helpful reminders for Instructors to complete...