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PointSolutions Account and Course Start Up - for Teachers

PointSolutions by Echo360 (formerly Turning Point) is an engagement tool used by some instructors for polling students in class. Students must purchase a license in order to use PointSolutions polling app. 


Included below are steps for you and for your students to complete at course start up.

Steps for Teachers: 

Teachers must complete the following one-time operation:

Add PointSolutions tool to your Moodle course:

1) In Moodle, click to the course where you plan to use PointSolutions, Turn Editing On.
2) Click Add an Activity or Resource:
  1. Select External Tool
  2. Fill in name: PointSolutions Registration Tool 
  3. Select from drop down menu: "Click Registration Tool"
  4. Save and Return To Course.

Activate your Moodle Course in PointSolutions:

3) Click the PointSolutions Registration Tool link in the Moodle course.

4) PointSolutions web app will launch. In PointSolutions, locate your course in the Moodle tab, and click the Add button. This moves it to the Active tab. Locate the course in the Active tab, and click Select. This will enable you to use this for managing polls in your account. 

Exhibit: PointSolutions Web App:


When complete, direct Students to activate their enrollment by clicking on the PointSolutions Registration Tool in your Moodle course. Support for Students.