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Zoom/Echo Set up without Zoom PlugIn


Find below the steps for Instructors and Instructional Designers to create a Zoom Meeting Room and then set up the link for recordings to post to the Echo360 Recordings link inside the Moodle course. This is a work around to using the Zoom Plug In. 

Video Tutorial (6 min) 


Step 1 - Set up Zoom Meeting

  • Login to your Clarkson Zoom account:
  • Create new Meeting room. Set up recurring schedule. Options, Automatically record meeting, In the cloud.
  • Note Meeting ID.

Points to where the Meeting ID is located, 3rd from the top, on the Meeting Info screen.

Step 2 - Link your Moodle course to Echo course. 

  • Go to course in Moodle. Click Echo link and Connect your Echo360 Content


Step 3 - Map your Zoom Meeting Room ID to course in Echo

  • In Echo, click Account Settings (wheel) 

Screenshot points to Account Settings menu in the upper right corner at the gear wheel icon

  • Locate Zoom Meeting ID from list and Select course in Echo from drop down

Screenshot points to the Zoom tab on the left, second from the top

Screenshot shows a list of Zoom Meeting IDs and a drop down menu to select desired course in the right column. urses

  • Save

Step 4 - Post Zoom meeting room link in Moodle course 

  • In Moodle, Add Activity, Select URL
  • Paste URL from Zoom Meeting Room.

Screenshot points to the Zoom meeting room link that is manually entered to the course.

Step 5 - Test 

Launch the Zoom meeting you just linked in your course. Let it run 10 minutes, then End Meeting. A few hours later, check back in your Moodle Course at the Echo link to see that your TEST recording is successfully posted.