Moodle is the Learning Management System (LMS) at Clarkson University. Participants and instructors use Moodle to exchange digital course information and communications.
This book contains support documentation for Students, Teachers and Administrators related to Moodle 4.0 at Clarkson.
To login in to Moodle:
Moodle 4 for Students
Access Moodle 4
Summary Moodle 4 is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by Clarkson University. It is the ...
Navigate Moodle 4
Summary The top navigation menu is useful for moving between your courses and the dashboard of M...
Dashboard and My Courses in Moodle 4
Summary As you enter Moodle 4, the Dashboard is your starting place where you can access your My...
Update your Profile in Moodle 4
Summary Moodle community members can customize their personal profile preferences. They can chan...
Navigate a Course in Moodle 4
Summary You will want to navigate to your course's important information quickly. From the Cours...
Course Resources and Activities in Moodle 4
Summary Your instructors will post a variety of resources and activities in your courses. It is ...
Moodle Quick Resources
Summary Moodle is Clarkson University's Learning Management System (LMS). This is the an online ...
Submit an Assignment
Summary Students will submit assignments to Teachers through the Assignment activity in their Mo...
Students: Submit Equation Type Assignments for Grading (Assignment Feedback)
Submitting answers to math equations can be tricky in an online class, however, we have worked ou...
Moodle 4 for Teachers
Attendance Activity
Overview Teachers (and students!) can take attendance during class and then students are able to...
Moodle 4 FAQs
Below is a collection of questions that the TLC and Helpdesk have frequently received during the ...
Dashboard and My Courses for Teachers
Summary As you enter Moodle 4, the Dashboard is your starting place where you can access your My...
Moodle Switch Role To...
Summary Teachers can temporarily switch role to view the course as a Student. This is for testin...
Moodle Course Life Cycle
Summary This article describes the policy related to course availability to students and the len...
User Roles In Moodle
Roles At the course level, the two basic roles are "Teacher" and "Student". When a user is assig...
Moodle - Audit a Course
Certain Clarkson courses may be audited on a space-available basis by currently enrolled Clarkson...
Moodle 4 & More: Where to Go for Self-Help
Explore these self-help resources: Clarkson OIT Knowledge base-includes Moodle, Echo360 & ...
Moodle Course Availability
Summary This article describes the policy related to course availability for students on Moodle ...
Strategies for Teaching Complex Subjects in Large Hybrid/ Online Paired Classrooms
Strategies for Teaching Complex Subjects in Large Hybrid Classrooms Across Campus: Bridging Engag...
ICT Literacy-Using Tools to Solve Information Problems
ICT proficiency is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools, and/or networks ap...
Course Start-Up
Show Moodle Course to Students
Summary: At the beginning of each term, teachers must change the Course Visibility from 'Hide' t...
Add a Course Image to your Course for Display on the Dashboard
Courses are often easier to locate on the Dashboard when a course image has been added in the Cou...
Post the Course Syllabus
Students will look for your syllabus at the Course Syllabus button posted at the top of your cour...
Institution Course Template
All Moodle courses come with a default course template that when filled out correctly will welcom...
Add your own 'Getting Started' Information - Top of Course Homepage
Please welcome your students and get them started in the class! The course homepage is the perfe...
Communicating with Your Students in Moodle
Communicating with Students is easy with Moodle 4, and you have several options depending upon yo...
Post an Announcement
Summary The News & Announcements forum is a great way to easily and quickly get a message out to...
Set Up Virtual Class and Recordings
Note: Teachers please complete the steps described in this article no more than two weeks before ...
Add Text and Media (formerly Label) to the Moodle Course Page
Summary Teachers use the Text and Media area (formerly Label) resource tool to display informati...
Hide / Show Activities and Resources in Your Course
Summary Teachers can choose to show or hide course items to students. This option is available o...
Moodle Course Visibility & Date Settings
Course Visibility Visibility determines whether students can access the course. If the setting i...
Post a file
To post a file that students can click and view from the homepage of your course Click the p...
Moodle 4 Gradebook
Consider the following resources when learning how to set up your gradebook in Moodle: 1) Moodle...
Create an Active Hyperlink
Quality Matters and Universal Design guidelines state that when linking to the Internet, use desc...
Create a URL/Link
There are several ways to create a hyperlink to a website or course material in Moodle. The proce...
Moodle: Insert an Image
Often you can copy and paste an image into a Moodle topic, page, forum, etc. See the example belo...
Create a Page To create a page that students can click from the homepage of your course to view:...
Checklist for Instructors: Semester Term Start Up
Summary: The following is checklist with helpful reminders for Instructors to complete...
Zoom/Echo Set up without Zoom PlugIn
Overview Find below the steps for Instructors and Instructional Designers to create a Zoom Mee...
Set up link for Self-Enrollment for Learn.Clarkson course from within a Moodle.Clarkson course
If you want to give students a link from within a course on to self-enroll in...
Enroll Users in a Moodle Course
Summary: myCU manages all Student enrollments in catalog courses. Teachers can enroll other Teac...
Access Class Roster and Email Adresses in Moodle Course
The Class Roster can be exported from Participants list in Moodle: Steps to Export Log into...
Self-Enroll in a Course
1. Search Moodle by course name or login using the link you have been provided. 2. Find the cou...
Moodle: Guest Access to Course
Instructions for Guest Access to designated courses in Moodle: Go to Moodle Guest Access L...
Moodle: Guest Access for QM Course Review
Instructions for Guest Access to designated courses in Moodle for the purpose of completing an QM...
Moodle: Question Sharer Role for Question Bank
Instructors may be interested in sharing Question Bank questions from one course to another, or o...
Import Enrolls in Moodle
Summary: Teachers can use the Import Enrolls function to enroll a batch of students from a csv d...
Self-Enrollment Options
Self enrollment is a method to allow users to enroll themselves into a course section in Moodle o...
Moodle 4 Migration
Migration Checklist
Welcome to Moodle 4.1. Our Moodle environment has changed! After extensive testing (thank ...
Move videos to Echo360 for Migration Prep
Course sections in Moodle that have videos that have been uploaded directly into the section as o...
Recreate discussion forums in Moodle 4 from the open forum tool in Moodle 3
The Open Forum tool is unavailable in Moodle 4. If a course had Open Forum activities in Moodle 3...
Adding a Profile Picture to Moodle
This article will demonstrate how to add an profile image to a User's Moodle profile, for student...
Edit Profile
In Moodle 4, you can use the Description feature in your Profile to communicate important informa...
Moodle Notification Preferences
In Moodle, Notification preferences allow users to indicate whether they receive email or other w...
Text Editor Toolbar Preferences
Summary Moodle users may choose to customize their text editor options to their preferences. The...
Set Preferred Language to English - United States
If you notice European spelling of some words (ex) enrol) in your Moodle, you may want to set the...
Create an Assignment
Summary Students can read instructions for assignments and submit assignments to an Assignment d...
Assignment Feedback (Student View)
For instructors, if you are wondering how your students will see or receive your feedback in Mood...
Grade Assignments Using Annotate PDF
This tutorial shows how to create an Assignment that uses the Annotate PDF Tool which allows inst...
Alternative to Grading/Annotating PDFs with MS Edge or Mac browser (Assignment Feedback)
Step-by-step guide How to Annotate a PDF Document The good news is that most of the focus is on...
Grades: Uploading Multiple Feedback Files
*A bug identified is currently affecting the steps to make this process function properly. The te...
Download Student Submission Files
Summary Instructors may wish to download student Assignment file submissions for review and grad...
Asynchronous Presentation Options
Formerly "Alternatives to VoiceThread" Clarkson’s subscription to VoiceThread ended on January 1...
Releasing Grades from Blind Grading
This article will go through how to turn off Blind Grading. Blind Grading is used to hide the ide...
Forum Types In Moodle
News & Announcements Forum The News & Announcements forum is a special forum for class announcem...
Forum Not Visible in Gradebook
Problem If you do not see your discussion forums in showing the course gradebook, the settings...
Forum: How to View All Responses by Student
How to: When an instructor would like to view all posts made by one person in an forum simply c...
Standard Forum for General Use & Q & A Type Discussion Forum
Forums-Two Commonly Used Types: 1. In the Forum Tool "Standard Forum for General Use", students ...
Forum Grading - Two Ways
Read and rate posts and replies all at once. using a rating scale to grade discussion posts cumul...
Create & Use a Rubric for Assignment
Rubrics can be created, copied and edited in the Advanced Grading area of Assignment activity set...
Grades: Add Manual Grade Item
In addition to grading assignments that were submitted online in the Moodle Assignment drop box, ...
Grades: How to Find the Grader Report
Ready to add grades or view the status of the current grades? You are looking for the Grader Repo...
Import Grades
Summary This article provides instruction for instructors who wish to import grades from a file ...
Grades: Setting Up Your Gradebook
The Gradebook in Moodle is very powerful with several options for aggregating and presenting grad...
Moodle: Rubrics
There are at least two paths for you to choose from. Instructors can set up and grade with a rub...
Access HR Training
There are three ways to locate the New Hire Training 2021/2022 from the Moodle Dashboard. My Cou...
Printing in Moodle
Problem If you cannot get the print function to work in Moodle while using Chrome (ie prints onl...
Adding & Using Mass Actions Block
This guide shows you how to add the Mass Actions block to your course and how to use it. Tool Des...
Best Practices
Quality Matters
Add the QM seal to a course that has received QM certification
To add the QM seal to a newly QM certified course, follow the steps below Paste the following ...
Start a Quality Matters Self-Review using the CRMS
If you would like to start a Quality Matters Self-Review using the Course Review Management Syste...
Backup a Course in Moodle
Summary Course instructors may create a backup copy of their course in Moodle. The backup copy c...
Copy Content from one Course to another in Moodle (Import)
Summary Teachers can reuse course content from a prior term by using Moodle's course Import func...
Restore A Course in Moodle
Open the course you wish to restore content to. Turn editing on. In the Administration block...
Moodle: Blank Page Instead of a (YouTube) Video
Problem When I click on a link to a page in Moodle, where there should be embedded video from Yo...
Message Tool
Sharing Cart
External Tools
Course Import: Updating External Tool Links
When you import/copy a Moodle course from a prior semester, external links Echo360, Zoom, Perusal...
Create Custom LTI with Third Party Provider with the External Tool Actvity in Moodle
Instructors may have occasion to bring content directly into your Moodle course from an outside c...
If you are using Perusall in your Moodle 4 course we made the switch to version LTI 1.3 in August...
Grading & Certificate of Completion for Pre-matric Courses
To track completion and participation as well as to issue certificates of completion, a gradebook...
HR Training
Publisher Content
Moodle for Staff: Start up
Steps for Start up 1. Click the Quick Links and from the drop down menu, choose Moodle (https://...
Moodle for Students: Start up
New Students: access your most commonly used Clarkson apps! From the Clarkson Homepage, click C...
Create A Quiz in Moodle
Th steps below will first show you how to create a quiz shell in the Learning Modules area of you...
Quiz: Grading by Question
When instructors are interested in grading all answers to a specific question (such as an essay q...
Quiz: Hide Grades
Suppressing quiz grades in Moodle from students until a desired time. Instructors may be inter...
Quiz: Importing a Quiz to Moodle
Best practice for using quizzes in Moodle is to add questions to the Question Bank first and then...
Quiz: Prepare a Word Quiz for Import into the Moodle Question Bank
Moodle has an excellent quiz tool with plenty of options that make it very efficient for ...
Quiz: Quicker Manual Grading
If you want to quickly grade all responses to a single quiz question (rather than grading one ent...
Quiz: Saving a Quiz as a Text File for Importing into Moodle
Quiz: Saving a Quiz as a Text File for Importing into Moodle
Once most formatting is done, save and close the file. Open Notepad (not Word or Wordpad) and op...
User Overrides in Quiz
Summary Instructors are able to allow individual students or groups of students to take a quiz w...
Quiz Email Submission Permissions
The Quiz tool can be set up to email a message to the Teacher when a student has submitted the qu...
Reducing the risk of cheating during online quizzes and exams
Between AI and the Internet, students have plenty of opportunity to find answers online. Although...
Open quiz scores after quiz closes
How do I open scores and answers for quizzes/exams after they are finished? If you do not want s...
Locate Quiz Administration Block through Course Dashboard
Summary For editing questions and settings in a Moodle Quiz activity, Teachers can access the Qu...
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere - Creating & Presenting Polls
Two Ways to Use this Tool The Poll Everywhere Website Integrated into an application such as ...
Poll Everywhere - Presenting Poll in Class
Two Ways to Present Your Poll 1. Presenting from the Web by Poll Everywhere When you are ready ...
Poll Everywhere - Restrict Participation
When creating polls for use in class, you may want to restrict participation to Registered Partic...
PointSolutions Account and Course Start Up - for Teachers
PointSolutions by Echo360 (formerly Turning Point) is an engagement tool used by some instructors...
PointSolutions Account Start Up - for Students
PointSolutions by Echo360 (formerly Turning Point) is a polling app required in some Clarkson U...
Turnitin For Instructors
Academic Integrity. Streamlined Feedback. Smarter Grading. Turnitin is integrated into Moodle ...
Turnitin for Instructors: Check for Originality by Adding A Turnitin 2 Activity
Turn-it-in is directly integrated with Moodle, so if you as an instructor in a Moodle course add ...
Turnitin for Instructors: Using outside of Moodle
Instructors at Clarkson University may wish to use Turnitin outside of Moodle to review individua...
Turnitin For Students
Turnitin Feedback Studio is an improved redesign of the Turnitin interface. It is simple and desi...
Turnitin for Students: Submit an Assignment to the Turnitin Dropbox (Moodle)
Summary In Moodle, your instructor may provide a Turnitin dropbox for you to submit an assignmen...
Turnitin for Students: Find Your Peer Reviewed Papers
Summary After the due date for peer reviewed submissions arrives, you will be able to find the...
Turnitin for Students: Using PeerMark to Peer Review
Summary Your instructor may assign you to peer review or self-review papers submitted to the Tur...
Clarkson Best Practices for Using Moodle
Faculty and staff can expect that our students are experienced learning management system users a...
Restoring Administration Block in a Course
Add &bui_editid=10 to the end of the URL.The ID for the Admin block seems to be 10 in Live, 70 ...
Export D2L/BrightSpace Quiz for Import into Moodle
No need to recreate your quizzes from another LMS. Brightspace Users Follow these Steps Log int...
Instructional Materials
Create an Account in with non-Clarkson e-mail address
To create an account in using a non-Clarkson e-mail address: Navig...
Login if you are a current Clarkson Student, Faculty or Staff
Current Clarkson Students, Faculty or Staff: If you have an active email address, yo...
Reset user account for external account in Learn
If you are external to Clarkson (don't have a email address) and have forgotten your...
Confirm Completion at the end of Video
How To Complete: Near the end of each video, look for the Open summary dialog screen button to a...
Update for Google Drive Shared Links from Prior to 2017
Are your students having to request access to your old files in Google Drive? If so, it's probabl...
Reminders (Notifications)
Moodle has a feature that allows instructors to control whether students receive reminders about ...
Office Lens: Scan papers or documents with your smartphone
Particularly during remote teaching and learning, it is common for faculty and students to share ...
Help students submit PDFs
We commonly ask our students to submit handwritten assignments as PDF files and we need to make...
Help! My PDF is Too Large for the Grader!
If your professor tells you your Assignment PDF file submission is not readable for grading in Mo...
Gradebook-Extra Credit
Extra Credit in Moodle Gradebook can be tricky. Consider just adding a point or two to the final ...
Moodle Workshop
Overview The Workshop Activity provides a robust tool for setting up peer reviewing for assessme...
Backup Moodle Course to Save IMSCC or MBZ File
Student Teams Create & Share Media to a Discussion Forum Via the Echo Tool
Overview Create and narrate your presentation slides in Google Slides so that all team members c...
Students Individually Create & Share Video to a Discussion Forum Via the Echo Tool
Overview You may create and narrate your presentation slides, and upload the final video within ...
Strategies to Minimize AI Use
AI Overview Example Example prompt: I am a college accounting teacher. Students need to know f...
META or MERGE: Instructor Options to Combine Sections into One Course
Often instructors have more than one section of a course and running the sections out of one Moo...