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Instructional Technology
Technology Recommendations for Distance and Online Learning Echo 360: Lecture Capture in the Classroom Echo 360: Faculty Sandbox to Test Echo Cloud: Tour Echo Cloud: Sign In Echo360: Universal Capture Desktop Recording Echo Cloud: Adding Media to Echo ...
Echo 360: Lecture Capture in the Classroom
Clarkson classrooms are equipped to record presenter's content, audio & video using Echo 360. Recordings are scheduled in advance (one-time or recurring) and students view recordings online. Instructors can link to recordings within Moodle to share with stu...
Echo Cloud: Tour
To view a brief tour of the new Echo and its feautures, click the image (3:49 min) More from Echo360 Resource Center:
Echo Cloud: Sign In
When you wish to log in to Echo Cloud, go to: Select the google profile associated with your Clarkson account (you may have multiple). Enter password. Quick TIP: You may try bookmarking the link at the screen when you are prompted to se...
Echo Cloud: Adding Media to Echo
Although you probably use the Echo Cloud primarily to record class lectures, you might also want to use it to preserve and distribute other materials. Instructors may: Upload a video that students should view before discussing it at a class meeting Upload...
Echo Cloud: Edit a Recording
Instructors may perform minor edits to an Echo recording. WARNING: Access to editing is limited 30 days from date of capture. Beyond that, editing capabilities on the Echo server expire. Step-by-step guide Log in to From Ech...
Echo Cloud: Add Content from Library to an Echo Course
Instructors can add content they have uploaded to their Echo library to any of their courses. To do so: Log into Echo at Click Library Sort by or Search for desired recording Click on desired recording Scroll down...
Echo Cloud: Updating links to recordings in Echo Cloud
For users who need to update a link to a recording in a Moodle Course (or web page) from the former Echo 360 to the new Echo Cloud. Video Tutorial (4:20 min) Step-by-step guide Log in to Echo Cloud, go to Library, locate desired matching recording. Cli...
Echo Cloud for Students: Getting Started
Echo 360 has provided the following tutorials for students to become oriented to the features and benefits available to them in Echo Cloud. Student Top 5 Tour Taking Notes and Collaborating Answering Activities Study and Review
Echo Cloud: View Content in Echo Library
Instructors can view content they have uploaded or recorded in their Echo library. To do so: Log into Echo at Recordings are categorized in Courses, All Content, My Content, Shared with Me. Filter or Search for desired recording E...
Echo360 Universal Capture Desktop: Sharing Recordings
After you create a recording with Echo360 Universal Capture, there options for sharing to students and others: OPTION I: Instructors can publish recordings to a Class in Echo, and it will appear in Moodle through External Tool link. For each recording, lo...
Echo: Teaching Assistants
We've outlined what a TA can and cannot do here: Copied the relevant section below: Teaching Assistants CANNOT: View or export student analytic data; teaching...
Echo360: Automatic Speech Recognition or ASR
Have you activated automatic transcripts on your Echo recordings yet? Echo will now automatically transcribe the audio in your recordings, but you must act. This is great news for accessibility and universal design reasons. Transcripts are searchable - so stu...
Alternative to Grading/Annotating PDFs with MS Edge or Mac browser (Assignment Feedback)
Step-by-step guide How to Annotate a PDF Document The good news is that most of the focus is on annotating PDF documents because it is the most shared format. Annotation is also a default feature set of common tools found on both Windows and MacOS. Let’s loo...
Google Calendar: Students Import Your Class Schedule
Step-by-step guide If you are a student actively using Google Calendar, there's probably a good chance you would like it to include your class schedule. Instead of creating this by hand, you can now use the calendar export capability of myCU: Sign in to my...
Students: Clarkson Accounts Set Up
Welcome to Clarkson University! Please take the following steps to set up your accounts for access to email and other student services. Step-by-step guide Set up Your Clarkson University Password To get started click on "Forgotten Password" at the bot...
Adding a page to favorites in Peoplesoft
First, navigate to the page you wish to add to Favorites. Click on the Favorites in the upper left and click Add to Favorites.
Finding your worklist in Peoplesoft 9.0 or Peoplesoft Financials
Each user of Peoplesoft 9.0 Student/HR has a personal worklist that will display transactions that are pending. Some examples include: Payroll Authorizations to Approve Payroll Authorizations that have been sent back for revision Expense Reports/Travel Au...
Finding your worklist in Peoplesoft 9.0 or Peoplesoft Financials
Each user of Peoplesoft 9.0 Student/HR has a personal worklist that will display transactions that are pending. Some examples include: Payroll Authorizations to Approve Payroll Authorizations that have been sent back for revision Expense Reports/Travel Au...
Approving/sending back a Payroll Authorization
As a Budget Manager, DoR approver, Supervisor, HR Manager or Payroll Manager you will need to approve Payroll Authorizations that are submitted for your employees. When a Payroll Authorization is submitted, you will receive an email notifying you that have you...