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Moodle 4 Migration
Pop-up blockers for Moodle Training
When you launch a video for the first time under “Spring 2021 Mandatory Annual Training” you might encounter a blocked pop-up message. Below are directions on how to fix that issue so the video will launch. You will only need to do this once. The other videos ...
Echo Cloud: Add Content from Library to an Echo Course
Instructors can add content they have uploaded to their Echo library to any of their courses. To do so: Log into Echo at Click Library Sort by or Search for desired recording Click on desired recording Scroll down...
Echo Cloud: View Content in Echo Library
Instructors can view content they have uploaded or recorded in their Echo library. To do so: Log into Echo at Recordings are categorized in Courses, All Content, My Content, Shared with Me. Filter or Search for desired recording E...
Adding & Using Mass Actions Block
This guide shows you how to add the Mass Actions block to your course and how to use it. Tool Description: The Mass Actions block allows you to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual ...
Alternative to Grading/Annotating PDFs with MS Edge or Mac browser (Assignment Feedback)
Step-by-step guide How to Annotate a PDF Document The good news is that most of the focus is on annotating PDF documents because it is the most shared format. Annotation is also a default feature set of common tools found on both Windows and MacOS. Let’s loo...
Quiz: Hide Grades
Suppressing quiz grades in Moodle from students until a desired time. Instructors may be interested in hiding quiz grades from students until a certain point in time. To do this, go to Edit Settings of the Quiz Activity in Moodle, under Review Options, des...
Quiz: Quicker Manual Grading
If you want to quickly grade all responses to a single quiz question (rather than grading one entire quiz at a time), you can do that by following these screen prompts: Step-by-step guide Start at the main course page. Navigate to the desired quiz, click...
Quiz: Saving a Quiz as a Text File for Importing into Moodle
Once most formatting is done, save and close the file. Open Notepad (not Word or Wordpad) and open the quiz file in Notepad. Now follow the steps below to save the quiz as a special type of text file that can be imported into Moodle. Click on "File", the...
Echo Cloud: Add Content from Library to an Echo Course
Instructors can add content they have uploaded to their Echo library to any of their courses. To do so: Log into Echo at Click Library Sort by or Search for desired recording Click on desired recording Scroll down...
Pop-up blockers for Moodle Training
When you launch a video for the first time under “Spring 2021 Mandatory Annual Training” you might encounter a blocked pop-up message. Below are directions on how to fix that issue so the video will launch. You will only need to do this once. The other videos ...
Moodle Instructor: How to submit a quiz with 'Never Submitted' status
Problem Occasionally a student will take a quiz or exam but the attempt shows as 'Never Submitted'. If this should happen, the fix is pretty easy. You will need to change the settings until the student starts the new attempt, as explained in the steps below b...
Printing in Moodle
Problem If you cannot get the print function to work in Moodle while using Chrome (ie prints only the first page), switch to in Firefox and follow the instructions below. Solution Open the Firefox browser and navigate to the content you want to print in M...
Submit an Assignment
Summary Students will submit assignments to Teachers through the Assignment activity in their Moodle course. The following are steps to submit an assignment using the Assignment dropbox. This Guide Will Help You To: Locate the assignment activity in Moodl...
Add Text and Media (formerly Label) to the Moodle Course Page
Summary Teachers use the Text and Media area (formerly Label) resource tool to display information on the Moodle course page. This displays information to students from the topics areas on the main Moodle course page. This varies from the Page tool which crea...
Restrict Access to Moodle Activities
Sometimes you may want to make an activity available only at a specific time, or after another event has taken place such as students must view a video prior to taking a quiz. The Restrict Access setting allows you to use various restrictions including date, g...
Moodle Course Availability
Summary This article describes the policy related to course availability for students on Moodle Detail: Course Availability: Student access to courses in Moodle expire starting fourteen days after final grades are posted at the end of each semester or qua...
User Overrides in Quiz
Summary Instructors are able to allow individual students or groups of students to take a quiz with exceptions to the standard quiz settings. This is useful for students with accommodations. Unlimited time and other exceptions can be applied for the individ...
Forum Not Visible in Gradebook
Problem If you do not see your discussion forums in showing the course gradebook, the settings for the forum are probably set to “none”. You will need to edit the settings for the forum(s). Here’s how: Turn editing on in your course. Go to the Fo...
Forum: How to View All Responses by Student
How to: When an instructor would like to view all posts made by one person in an forum simply click on the Grade Users button. Steps From your course page, click into the forum. Scroll to the bottom of the forum, and click on the Grade Users button:...
Restore A Course in Moodle
Open the course you wish to restore content to. Turn editing on. In the Administration block choose Restore. You will see a list of all the backed up courses that are available. IF you do not see the course file you want, you may first need to Backu...