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TurningPoint - For Instructors

Please note: Beginning Spring 2022, TurningPoint merged with Echo360, and is now rebranded by Echo360 as PointSolutions. Please refer to these updated instructions for using PointSolutions. 

1) Create Instructor account with Turning Technologies. 

  • Go to
  • Select Student or Instructor to register.
  • Follow the registration instructions provided to create an account.

2) Download/Install latest version of TurningPoint.

3) To sync your Moodle course with TurningPoint:

View Video Tutorial (2 min): Turning Pro Importing from Moodle (Auto Sync)


a) Sign in to instructor account at

b) Select Moodle. You may be prompted to sign in to Moodle through CAS/Duo two factor authentication. 

c) Click Add to select it as an Active Course.

d) In your Moodle course, add activity External Tool, select Clicker Registration Tool.


e) Select course you would like to view. You can navigate to Roster tab or Export grades to Moodle.

4) Synching Moodle and Uploading Grades to Moodle

View Video Tutorial (2 min): Turning Classic Auto Sync Moodle Training

  • Launch TurningPoint app on your desktop.  Sign in using Clarkson AD and password. 

  • Click Manage

  • Select the course name, and from here select Upload grades. 

  • Click Update button to sync new student registrations.
More Turning Point Resources

10 Steps to Successfully Run PowerPoint Polling for PC

WEBINAR RECORDING: PowerPoint Polling Training Aug 2018

Using TurningPoint in Moodle

Other Important Information

    System Requirements:
               Operating System: Windows 10 and Mac OS El Capitan, Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 (32-or 64-bit), OS X v10.9 and 10.10 are compatible with TurningPoint Cloud. 
               Web-browser: Microsoft Edge, IE10+, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.