Budget Overview - Department
PeopleSoft Financials 9.2
Select the Budget Management homepage
Choose the Budgets Overview tile
If you are returning to Budget Overview, on the Find an Existing Value tab select Search and choose your previously created Inquiry Name
If you are new to Budget Overview, on the Add a New Value tab enter an Inquiry Name and hit Add
The Inquiry Name is only 10 alphanumeric characters. There can be no spaces or unique characters @#$%&*!
Complete the following fields:
Enter a Description
Change Ledger Group to ORG_GROUP (this will make the bottom section of the screen change)
Enter a Dept (5-digit numeric)
Enter a Fund Chartfield Value Set of 100AND385 (see image below)
Hit Save
Hit Search
The resulting screen should look similar to this example.
If you wish to review just the Compensation portion of your department budget, enter COMPENSATION in the Account Chartfield Value Set
If you wish to review just the Operating portion of your department budget, enter OPERATING in the Account Chartfield Value Set
If you wish to review just Fund 100 and Fund 385 (Federal Work Study), enter 100AND385 in the Fund Charfield Value Set
Use the
icon to download a grid to Excel
Click on the amounts to get detailed transaction information
Want to eliminate some columns? Choose Personalize, select the columns you want hidden and click on the Hidden checkbox. Hit Ok
Missing Access? Have Questions? Contact budgets@clarkson.edu