OM 5.11.3 Auditing Courses and Academic Study for Faculty Members
Effective Date: August 1973 |
Policy Contact: Office of the Provost |
Members of the faculty are entitled to enroll without charge for credit in, or audit, courses taught at Clarkson University. A written request to take the course(s) in question should be submitted to the applicant's dean for approval.
Faculty members may take one 3-hour or one 4-hour course per semester during the academic year and one 3-hour or 4-hour course during summer school each year. The limit of one 3-hour or one 4- hour course during summer school applies to the entire summer school period.
The above policy also includes courses offered by the other member institutions of the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley -- for credit and without charge -- one 3-hour or one 4-hour course per semester, and one 3-hour or 4-hour course during summer school subject to limitations established collectively or individually by the member institution
August 1973
Editorial Revision August 1974, 1976, 1977, 1987
Revised January 1992
Renumbered July 2017