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Lesson Plan and Instructional Support

Lesson Plan: Introduction to Generative AI in Higher Education

Lesson Title: Exploring Generative AI in Higher Education

Duration: 90 minutes

Target Audience: Educators, administrators, and content creators in higher education.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall the fundamentals of Generative AI and its applications in higher education.
  • Develop skills in prompt engineering for generating applicable content using Generative AI.
  • Explore free tools available for utilizing Generative AI in educational contexts.


  • Presentation slides or visual aids
  • Access to a computer with internet connection for demonstrations
  • Handouts or digital resources on prompt engineering and free tools for Generative AI

Learning Activities:

1. Introduction to Generative AI (15 minutes):

  • Presentation: Introduce the concept of Generative AI, its definition, and its significance in higher education.
  • Discuss examples of Generative AI applications in educational contexts (e.g., content generation, personalized learning, creative writing assistance).
  • Q&A Session: Encourage participants to ask questions and share their initial thoughts on Generative AI.

2. Fundamentals of Prompt Engineering (30 minutes):

  • Presentation: Explain the concept of prompt engineering, including the importance of crafting effective prompts for generating desired outputs.
  • Demonstration: Showcase examples of prompt engineering using free tools such as GPT-3.
  • Hands-on Activity: Provide participants with sample prompts and guide them through the process of refining and experimenting with different prompts to achieve desired outputs.
  • Group Discussion: Facilitate a discussion on the challenges and best practices of prompt engineering in educational settings.

3. Exploring Free Tools for Generative AI (30 minutes):

  • Presentation: Introduce participants to various free tools available for utilizing Generative AI in education, such as those found in the Tools chapter of this Lab Notebook.
  • Demonstration: Walk participants through the process of accessing and using one or more of these tools for content generation or other educational purposes.
  • Hands-on Activity: Allow participants time to explore the tools themselves, experiment with different prompts, and generate content relevant to their own areas of interest or expertise.
  • Peer Collaboration: Encourage participants to share their experiences and insights with each other, discussing potential applications of Generative AI in their specific roles within higher education.


1. Individual Reflection (10 minutes):

Participants will be asked to reflect on their learning experience during the session, considering how they can apply the concepts of Generative AI and prompt engineering to their own work in higher education.

Optional: Contribute to the AI Lab Notebook. Submit a prompt, tool or resource. Follow the steps in the form. 

Assessment Criteria:

  • Depth of knowledge demonstrated in the reflection.
  • Ability to identify potential applications of Generative AI in their specific roles.
  • Reflection on challenges and opportunities of integrating Generative AI into educational practice.


Criteria Excellent (3) Proficient (2) Needs Improvement (1)
Knowledge of Generative AI fundamentals Demonstrates knowledge of Generative AI concepts and their relevance to higher education. Shows knowledge of Generative AI fundamentals and their potential applications in education. Demonstrates limited knowledge of Generative AI concepts and their relevance to education.
Proficiency in prompt engineering techniques Successfully applies prompt engineering techniques to generate desired outputs and effectively engages in discussions on prompt optimization. Demonstrates proficiency in crafting effective prompts and experimenting with different strategies for prompt optimization. Shows limited ability to apply prompt engineering techniques and struggles to generate desired outputs or engage in discussions on prompt optimization.
Utilization of free tools for Generative AI Effectively utilizes free tools for Generative AI to generate content or explore educational applications, demonstrating adaptability and creativity in their usage. Demonstrates competence in using free tools for Generative AI and actively engages in hands-on activities to explore their functionalities. Shows limited ability to utilize free tools for Generative AI effectively and may require additional guidance or support during hands-on activities.
Reflection on learning and application Offers insightful reflections on the learning experience and demonstrates a clear understanding of how Generative AI concepts can be applied to their work in higher education. Provides thoughtful reflections on the learning experience and identifies potential applications of Generative AI in their specific roles within higher education. Offers minimal reflection on the learning experience and struggles to identify potential applications of Generative AI in their work in higher education.

Source: ChatGPT


You are an expert educator in adult learning theory. You are designing a open educational resource. Your learners are educators, administrators and content creators in higher education. The OER is designed to develop skills for using generative AI in their work including fundamentals of GenAI, prompt engineering, and use of free tools. You will write a lesson plan that includes learning objectives, learning activities, assessments and a rubric. Total time to complete the lesson should not exceed 90 minutes.

Copy this Prompt

You are an expert educator in adult learning theory. You are designing a open educational resource. Your learners are educators, administrators and content creators in higher education. The OER is designed to develop skills for using generative AI in their work including fundamentals of GenAI, prompt engineering, and use of free tools. You will write a lesson plan that includes learning objectives, learning activities, assessments and a rubric. Total time to complete the lesson should not exceed 90 minutes.