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Echo Cloud: Tour
To view a brief tour of the new Echo and its feautures, click the image (3:49 min) More from Echo360 Resource Center:
Echo Cloud: Sign In
When you wish to log in to Echo Cloud, go to: Select the google profile associated with your Clarkson account (you may have multiple). Enter password. Quick TIP: You may try bookmarking the link at the screen when you are prompted to se...
Echo Cloud: Adding Media to Echo
Although you probably use the Echo Cloud primarily to record class lectures, you might also want to use it to preserve and distribute other materials. Instructors may: Upload a video that students should view before discussing it at a class meeting Upload...
Echo Cloud: Edit a Recording
Instructors may perform minor edits to an Echo recording. WARNING: Access to editing is limited 30 days from date of capture. Beyond that, editing capabilities on the Echo server expire. Step-by-step guide Log in to From Ech...
Echo Cloud: Add Content from Library to an Echo Course
Instructors can add content they have uploaded to their Echo library to any of their courses. To do so: Log into Echo at Click Library Sort by or Search for desired recording Click on desired recording Scroll down...
Echo Cloud: Updating links to recordings in Echo Cloud
For users who need to update a link to a recording in a Moodle Course (or web page) from the former Echo 360 to the new Echo Cloud. Video Tutorial (4:20 min) Step-by-step guide Log in to Echo Cloud, go to Library, locate desired matching recording. Cli...
Echo Cloud for Students: Getting Started
Echo 360 has provided the following tutorials for students to become oriented to the features and benefits available to them in Echo Cloud. Student Top 5 Tour Taking Notes and Collaborating Answering Activities Study and Review
Echo Cloud: View Content in Echo Library
Instructors can view content they have uploaded or recorded in their Echo library. To do so: Log into Echo at Recordings are categorized in Courses, All Content, My Content, Shared with Me. Filter or Search for desired recording E...
Echo Cloud: Add Content from Library to an Echo Course
Instructors can add content they have uploaded to their Echo library to any of their courses. To do so: Log into Echo at Click Library Sort by or Search for desired recording Click on desired recording Scroll down...
Moodle 4 & More: Where to Go for Self-Help
Explore these self-help resources: Clarkson OIT Knowledge base-includes Moodle, Echo360 & PeopleSoft Clarkson Moodle for Teachers Clarkson Moodle for Students Moodle Docs - General search teachers/students YouTube Playlist: Moodle Teaching Basics 4....
Instructors: Adding Polls to Video in Echo360 - Creating Interactive Media
Instructors use videos in their classes for many reasons including to provide lessons, tutorials, and recorded lectures. Adding a poll to videos uploaded in Echo360 can provide students with a more engaging learning experience. Videos added to Echo360 become i...
Echo Cloud: Share Public Link
To share Echo recording with Public link: Step-by-step guide Log into Echo at Click Library Filter for desired recording. Click thumbnail to preview recording. Scroll down, locate Share menu item. Select Links tab, copy/paste li...
Echo360: Universal Capture Desktop Recording
Universal Capture (formerly Classroom/Personal Capture) is an application that turns a classroom or personal Mac or PC into a capturing device for recording screen, audio and video. This is useful for creating recorded tutorials, lectures, screencasts, presen...
Echo360 Content Life Cycle
Summary This article describes the policy that manages Echo360 content storage and availability at Clarkson University. Detail: Echo360 content includes lecture captures, personal captures, media uploads and any other media published to courses in the Echo...
CAMP 163 Quick Guide
CAMP 163 is the first of it's kind at Clarkson. It allows users to bring in their own device and use any USB device in the room. Including the microphones, cameras, mouse/keyboard, and the touch screen display on the lift desk. This room also features 5 collab...
Student Teams Create & Share Media to a Discussion Forum Via the Echo Tool
Overview Create and narrate your presentation slides in Google Slides so that all team members can participate. Once the presentation is complete, the team leader will use PPT to export the slides into an MP4 video, and finally upload the file to Clarkson Ech...
Students Individually Create & Share Video to a Discussion Forum Via the Echo Tool
Overview You may create and narrate your presentation slides, and upload the final video within the discussion forum using the Echo tool option. (You may alternatively use another tool such as Zoom or PowerPoint to create the video and upload the file to your...
Course Import: Updating External Tool Links
When you import/copy a Moodle course from a prior semester, external links Echo360, Zoom, Perusall, etc. may need to be re-linked to the intended tool. You can tell you need to re-link when the External tool icon looks like this puzzle piece? cauliflower? ...
Students submit an Echo360 recording assignment in Moodle
For Teachers/Administrators: Students have their own Echo accounts so they can create and submit Echo360 recordings for an assignment or discussion forum. If for some reason they do not have one, there are two ways they can get an account: Instructor adds ...