Recently Updated Pages
Academic Scheduling Resources
Welcome to the academic scheduling resources page! This page contains resources for Department Ch...
Microsoft Office Home Use Program
Please note that students and teachers get a FREE Office 365 account. Click here for details reg...
University computer purchase program
Faculty/Staff Centralized PC & Laptop Purchase Program Student Recommendations: If you are a stu...
ICT Literacy-Using Tools to Solve Information Problems
ICT proficiency is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools, and/or networks ap...
User Roles In Moodle
Roles At the course level, the two basic roles are "Teacher" and "Student". When a user is assig...
META or MERGE: Instructor Options to Combine Sections into One Course
Often instructors have more than one section of a course and running the sections out of one Moo...
Strategies for Teaching Complex Subjects in Large Hybrid/ Online Paired Classrooms
Strategies for Teaching Complex Subjects in Large Hybrid Classrooms Across Campus: Bridging Engag...
Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Expense Policy
About This Policy Effective Date: December 13, 2010Last Updated: August 22, ...
Matlab -is available for educational, research, & student personal use. Download MatLab here: htt...
PTC Creo
Download and Installation processZip file size: 5.5GBInstall Size: 8.8GB - 16GB (depending on cus...
Availability of SolidWorks CAD package for Clarkson Engineering students. This is for returning ...
SIMULIA software (Abaqus, Isight, etc.)
Installing and using SIMULIA Academic software on off-campus computers Q. How do SIMULIA Academi...
Software Licensing
OIT maintains a variety of software licenses for use on University-owned computers. The use of s...
Software for Home Use
The following software tools are available to students and teachers for install: Most Popular: ...
Free Student Download available here:
Digital Accessibility
Webinar: Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web & Mobile Application Accessibility Rule ht...
Lin-Web and People
Both lin-web and People have their files hosted from Polaris. Editing the sites on Polaris is sim...
Linux Shell FAQs
Once you have accessed Polaris through SSH, you will be in a Linux Bash shell. This will not be a...
Accessing Polaris
Polaris is a publicly available shell server hosted by OIT's Network Services. Polaris accounts a...