Review and Approval Process for SRS and Graduate Coordinators- Graduate Authorization
Owners: Graduate School Coordinators
*Please See Instructions for Creating A Graduate Appointment Authorization when creating a new appointment.
Once an appointment has been created and submitted into the PeopleSoft system it will need to be approved by the Graduate Coordinators or the SRS Research Administrators depending on the combination code.
Stipend and Tuition
The authorization should include the correct stipend and tuition information.
*If the authorization is incorrect you will need to add a comment and select the Send Back button at the bottom of the page. If you select Deny the form cannot be edited. The creator will receive an email notification.
Tuition Payment
If the Stipend and Tuition information is correct the Tuition Payment will need to be added in the Tuition Payment column.
*A payment line will automatically flow into the Tuition Payment section for each Term that has been added to the Tuition section.
*By selecting the + sign additional Lines can be added in each Term for multiple Project/Grants.
The Amount column will need to match the Total Amount column from the Tuition section before it can be approved.