Summer Scheduling
When planning for summer courses, please try to offer courses that are typically in high demand throughout the year, courses in which you often find students requesting summer transfer credit for, and common "catch up" courses needed to help students stay on track.
Summer 2025 Course Scheduling Process:
- Each academic department submits the courses they wish to offer with the names of instructors to their
Associate Dean/Chair/Director by February 7, 2025 - Following their review/approval, the list must then be forwarded by the appropriate School/Dept.
Administrator to the Registrar’s Office by emailing by February 14,
2025 - The Registrar’s Office will then input into myCU, schedule the courses, and reserve the rooms
- The final list of summer course offerings to be available by mid-March, 2025
Payroll Workflow for Full-time Regular Faculty Summer Instructors:
(Note: the process for temporary Adjunct Instructors may be found in the lower section of this memo)
- Once the above steps are complete, the Instructor’s Department/School Administrative Assistant will
initiate the Pre-Supplemental Payroll Authorization form. Lori Dillon, the Assistant to the AVP of Academic
Affairs, will support this step for departments currently without Administrative Assistants. - Once the Pre-Supplemental Authorization is approved, Lori Dillon, Assistant to the AVP of
Academic Affairs, will create an appointment letter and collaborate with the Instructor’s
Admin to obtain the faculty member’s signature. - Upon receipt of the signed appointment letter, the Department Office/School Admin will
initiate the Supplemental Pay Authorization form (through the approved Pre-Supplemental
link to CreatePayAuth). Then "modify" the Supplemental Pay Authorization and attach the
signed appointment letter. Lori Dillon, the Assistant to the AVP of Academic Affairs, will
support this step for departments currently without Administrative Assistants.
Adjunct Instructors:
If you plan to hire an adjunct instructor, or a Graduate student not enrolled in summer classes, please consult
Human Resources before a contract is issued to ensure proper procedures are followed.
- Once the Summer Course Scheduling Process steps above are complete, please use the link below to submit the
adjunct for hire to HR. All letters will be sent through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). All new
Adjuncts will need to apply using the ATS. - Once the letter has been digitally signed you will receive a PeopleSoft notification when the
aforementioned Payroll Authorization process is ready to complete. The signed letter will automatically
be attached. If the adjunct requires a courtesy appointment you will receive a separate PeopleSoft
notification to complete the courtesy PA.
Additional Important Information:
- Approximately 10 days prior to the start of the summer session, the Registrar’s Office will generate a list of low-enrollment courses subject to cancellation and will alert the academic department to seek additional students and/or to petition the Provost Office for continued offering.
- Once the course instructor has signed the contract letter, the course may only be canceled based on the low-enrollment guidelines provided above.
- If you plan to hire someone who has not previously worked at Clarkson, you must consult Human Resources before a contract is issued. Additionally, a reminder all payments must be paid as taxable wages to the respective employee through Clarkson’s payroll office, and any requests to divert these types of payments will be denied.
- As a reminder, students may not cross-register during the summer term (although faculty and staff are still permitted to do so).
- Online course instructors are encouraged to connect with the TLC early for designing your Summer online
course. Senior instructional designers can help craft clear, measurable learning objectives, effective interactions,
organize course content, design assessments and more. Contact