Finance - Reconciling Federal Work Study (FWS)
Controller's Office
Reconcile General Ledger Account 2176 FWS balances with Payroll charged to 2176 and the Financial Aid Award Table
Budget Office
- In PeopleSoft Financials, download the query CU_GL_JOURNAL_DETAIL_JDF using the prompts for beginning of the fiscal year to the current date for account 2176
- In PeopleSoft HR, download the query CU_PR_PAY_BY_PROMPT using the prompts 2020 for Fiscal Year and 2176 for Acct
- In myCU, download the query CU_FA_FWS_AID_YR to get the current FWS amount awarded and disbursed
- Merge all these queries into a single Excel workbook with a tab for each dataset
- Copy the GL tab into a new tab called Merge, create a column called source and enter GL on each row
- Copy the relevant Payroll fields into the Merge tab and under the source column, label each row PR (fund, dept, account, program code, earnings amount, student ID, student name)
- Copy the relevant Financials Aid fields into the Merge tab and under the source column, label each row FA (student ID, student name, disbursed amount)
- Pivot the Merge tab with the Source as the header for each column. Ideally, these would all have the same total.
- For differences between GL and PR, add rows for dept to narrow down the data. Identify and fix the outage.
- For differences between PR and FA, add rows for the student ID to narrow down the search. Identify and fix the outage.