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Finance - Reconciling Federal Work Study (FWS)

Controller's Office

2176 Federal Work Study Wages


Reconcile General Ledger Account 2176 FWS balances with Payroll charged to 2176 and the Financial Aid Award Table


 Budget Office

  1. In PeopleSoft Financials, download the query CU_GL_JOURNAL_DETAIL_JDF using the prompts for beginning of the fiscal year to the current date for account 2176
  2. In PeopleSoft HR, download the query CU_PR_PAY_BY_PROMPT using the prompts 2020 for Fiscal Year and 2176 for Acct 
  3. In myCU, download the query CU_FA_FWS_AID_YR to get the current FWS amount awarded and disbursed
  4. Merge all these queries into a single Excel workbook with a tab for each dataset
  5. Copy the GL tab into a new tab called Merge, create a column called source and enter GL on each row
  6. Copy the relevant Payroll fields into the Merge tab and under the source column, label each row PR (fund, dept, account, program code, earnings amount, student ID, student name)
  7. Copy the relevant Financials Aid fields into the Merge tab and under the source column, label each row FA (student ID, student name, disbursed amount)
  8. Pivot the Merge tab with the Source as the header for each column.  Ideally, these would all have the same total.
  9. For differences between GL and PR, add rows for dept to narrow down the data.  Identify and fix the outage.
  10. For differences between PR and FA, add rows for the student ID to narrow down the search.  Identify and fix the outage.