Recently Updated Pages
Graduate Student Program Changes
Purpose: to outline the process for changing a graduate student’s program, or adding a second pro...
CRC Joint Program Management
A list of joint programs can be found here: Que...
Academic Standing Review -Graduate Students
Applicability Applies to all graduate students except Health Science and MAT programs Prerequis...
OM 9.0.0 - Information Technology Policies
Effective Date: March 2023Last Updated: March 2023Responsible University Office: Office...
Audio Video Controls for Classrooms and other common spaces
The Office of Information Technology's deploys and maintains all of the AV controls systems used ...
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Screen Connect - Admin Elevation
Create, join, and connect with user as usual Make sure you are viewing all of the user's...
Create a Digital Signature in Adobe Reader Page
To create a digital signature that can be applied to PDF forms, please follow the instructions be...
How to download and Install Autodesk Software Most Autodesk software products including Revit, A...
How to downloading and installing ArcGIS Visit:
Forwarding RT Tickets
Forwarding Tickets - include all attachments and reply/comment history : At the top of the RT ...
Viewing Room Schedule in EMS
Browse to Log in using your AD credentials under 'My Account > 'Lo...
Using EMS Client to Check for Special Event Setup Information
Open EMS by clicking on the EMS Icon on your desktop: You may be prompted for server and...
Reserving TLC Classroom / Lightboard Studio using Virtual EMS
Open your web browser. Go to the URL Highlig...
Reserving BH Snell B19 (TLC Classroom) using Virtual EMS
The TLC Classroom at BH Snell B19 may be reserved by staff or faculty only. For access to the roo...
Google Calendar: How to Make Appointment Slots
This guide will go through the basics of Google Calendar, and how to set up appointment slots in ...
Alumni Student Email / Drive to Non-Clarkson Accounts Transitions
Students graduating from Clarkson will be given access to e-mail for one year after graduation. ...
How to Create a Reservation using the Reservation Wizard in the EMS Client
To start, open the EMS Client and click on the Wizard Icon. This will open a blank Reser...
Google Calendar: Sharing Your Calendar
When needing to share your calendar with someone else. You can also grant them access to edit/add...
Google Apps for Education
Clarkson has chosen to migrate email and calendaring services to Google Apps for Education as a r...