Zoom/Echo Set up without Zoom PlugIn
Step 1 - Set up Zoom Meeting
- Login to Zoom clarkson.zoom.us
- Create new Meeting room. Set up recurring schedule. Options, Automatically record meeting, In the cloud.
- Note Meeting ID.
Step 2 - Connect course in Echo with course in Moodle.
- Go to course in Moodle. Click Echo link and connect
Step 3 - Map your Zoom Meeting Room ID to course in Echo
- In Echo, click Account Settings (wheel)
- Locate Zoom Meeting ID from list
- Select course in Echo from drop down
- Save
Step 4 - Post Zoom meeting room link in Moodle course
- In Moodle, Add Activity, Select URL
- Paste URL from Zoom Meeting Room.
Step 5 - Test
Launch the zoom meeting you just linked in your course. Let it run 10 minutes. A few hours later, check back in your Moodle Course at the Echo link to see that your TEST recording is successfully posted.