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Post the Course Syllabus


Students will look for your syllabus at the Course Syllabus button posted at the top of your course. Teachers may opt to post a link to a file, pastingpaste a link from a Google Doc,Doc, or copy and pasteedit the contents of your syllabus right intoin the custom field.image.png

This Guide will Help You to:

  • Locate the Course Syllabus field for updating.
  • Post your syllabus in the Course Syllabus field. 


  1. FromClick on the Course Management Gear in the upper right corner of your course,course Turn Editing On. homepage
  2. FromChoose Edit Course Administration, click Settings.Settings.


3. Scroll down to Other fields-Course Syllabus.


4. Replace the instructions with wording regarding your course syllabus.

5. IfThree youoptions for adding the syllabus:

  • You may choose to link aan updated file OR paste athe share link tofrom your syllabus if it is a Google Doc, OR edit the syllabus text right in the text editor

  • Remove the wording about the syllabus template.
  • 6.Enter Selectthe words "Course Syllabus" and select (highlight) the text for the syllabus.

  • 7.

  • On the Text editor toolbar, find the link tool. (Different editors have the link tool in various places)


  • 8. Choose your file and click Upload this file.


  • 9.

  • Lastly, set the Target to open in a new window and click Insert.


  • 10. Save and Display your syllabus link.


  • Students will always see this button on their homepage, as they do not have edit mode in Moodle.
    If you linked youra syllabusfile or doc, studentsthey will see thisthe above when the click on the button:

  • If you copyyou and pasteentered your syllabus text AND make revisions,, students will see something like this:this below:


Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance please contact, Clarkson OIT Help Desk;

Call: 315-268-HELP (x4357)