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Post an Announcement


The AnnouncementNews tool& allowsAnnouncements you to post a message to everyone enrolled in your course. All announcement messages that you post will also automatically be sent to students' email accounts. Thisforum is a great way to easily and quickly get a message out to your students. This forum allows instructors to post a message to everyone enrolled in a course that will be automatically sent to each student's email account. Additionally, the message will be archived in the forum for quick reference through the semester. Students do not have the ability to reply to these messages, however, they can send an email directly to the instructor.


Steps yourto MoodlePost course:

to the News & Announcements Forum
  1. Click youron announcementsthe toolNews from& Announcements link near the top portion of the course homepage (could be called Announcementsjust or News & Announcements).Announcements.)
  2. Click Add a new topic.
  3. Enter a Subject.
  4. Enter your Message. You can use all of the same word processingediting tools that you use in other areas of Moodle, including bullets, images, links, etc.
  5. Click Post to forum.
  6. The announcement has a delay of 30 minutes so that you may go back and edit your post if needed. After 30 minutes, it will post to students and send to their email.


Want to know more? View this video Moodle Lesson 16: Posting Announcements