Moodle: Insert an Image
Often you can copy and paste an image into a Moodle topic, page, forum, etc. If you want to add an image by using the editor in Moodle, follow the Step-by step guide below.
Do you have the image? you might have the image already on your computer or you might need to find the image, or maybe you need to take a screenshot of the image. If you have an image follow the steps. If you need to find or create an image, first save the image by right clicking on the image and choosing Save as Image (or picture). Or use the Snipping Tool on your computer to take a picture of the image. Note where you saved the image so you can find it in Step 23 below.
Example of an image in the description area of an activity:
Step-by-step "how to" guide
1. If you are using the Legacy Tiny MCE editor shown below, turn on all of the rows by clicking on the top left icon-the Toolbar Toggle (If your editor looks different from the one below, you are probably using the Atto editor.)
2. Click on the Insert/Edit image tool in the editor:
3. click to Find or upload an image:image and click Insert:
4. Choose Upload a file in the File Picker window.
BrowseChoose File (Browse) for your image file and click Upload this file.
6. Fill in the Author.
7. Choose the License, if you know it.
9. On the General tab, give the image a descriptive name in the Image Description space. (Or if the image is not important to the content of the course add double quotes "")
7.10. LastlyClick click INSERT and you're done!
Changeon the Appearance oftab. an Image in Moodle
Your image may be too large, or you might want it to be aligned on the left or right of the texttext, or leave some space between text or bullets.bullets and the image. Follow the letters on the screenshot below:
a. Alignment on the page where you are adding the image.
b. Choose the dimensions of the image as you want it to show on the page.
c. Horizontal spacing at 20 will allow about 1/2 inch
d. Click Insert.
- Click
Selecton the imageandto select it, click on the imageicontool (or right click on thetoolbarimage(Stepand#2chooseabove)edit Clickimageonfrom theAppearancedroptabdownandmenu.follow the numbers on the screenshot below. Then click Update. If you want to make changes begin Change the Appearance again until you are satisfied with the look.
See more information in this Moodle Doc About Images