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Moodle: Institution Course Template

All Moodle courses come with a default course template.  The template contains prompts for instructors to update, along with important information and links relevant to all course offerings at Clarkson.  Below is an image of the current template with numbers denoting features within the template.   

1) My Quick Resources" Block - viewable to Students and Instructors

Instructor updates block to include links to the Syllabus and Contact info.

Instructions for Editing this Block 

Learner Support

Institution Policies and Regulations

2. "Instructor Resources" Block - viewable to Instructors Only

Teaching & Learning Corner

Academic Calendar


myCU (PeopleSoft Student) 9.2 Documentation & Tutorials

3. Welcome section - Instructors are guided to add greeting, an image of interest and other course introductory information here.

4. Collapsed Topics - default course format to enable collapsible sections