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6 total results found
How to Troubleshoot a Failed Easybuild Compilation
Problem If you've been using Easybuild for self-service software, you may have encountered trouble with one of your builds, such as the one pictured below. When Easybuild doesn't build easily, what do you do? Keep reading for some tips and suggestions! Ste...
Going Deeper into EasyBuild: EasyBlocks
Overview When easyconfig (*.eb file) modifications are not sufficient to install a new software or new software version using EasyBuild, one may need to modify the underlying EasyBlock code. This page describes some of the details of that process. What is an...
How to Use Graphical Applications on ACRES
Following this method, you may run a graphical application on ACRES and see / interact with it through the display of your local computer. RUNNING PARALLEL JOBS Please note: DO NOT use the method outlined in the article to execute parallel jobs. Intensive pa...
Using ACRES: The Basics of a Linux Command Line
If it's your first time logging in to ACRES, you may be left staring at a flashing green cursor in a black terminal, without the slightest idea of what to do next. If that's you, you've come to the right place. Read on, and you'll be up and running in no ...
High Performance Computing (HPC)
Clarkson University hosts several HPC environments. Most are small-scale and supported by individual researchers and research groups. One, ACRES, is centrally supported by the Office of Information Technology. General information about the genesis of ACRES,...
How To Login To Acres
This page describes how to log in to the ACRES computing cluster. If you do not yet have an account on ACRES, please request one by emailing the OIT helpdesk: Login to Clarkson VPN If you are not connected to Clarkson's Network (e.g. yo...