Academic Scheduling Resources
Welcome to the academic scheduling resources page! This page contains resources for Department Chairs, Executive Officers, and others involved in the creation of the master schedule each term. These resources will help departments make informed decisions aligned with student demand through the use of APS and myCU queries, while providing guidelines to ensure equitable scheduling decisions are made.
myCU Queries
The Registrar’s Office has created several queries to aid Academic Departments in their course planning that are outlined below:
This query will return sections of a class that had 25% or more vacant seats in a classroom. It will include the number and percentage of empty seats in the classroom. This can aid your department in determining if you should request a smaller room for a course, or if the course did not have high demand in the past. The term that should be entered is the past fall or spring term, the query also prompts for your academic org number.
This query will return sections of a class that were close to capacity to aid departments in determining if they should request a larger room for the upcoming term or consider opening a second section of a course. The term that should be entered is the past fall or spring term, the query also prompts for your academic org number.
This query will return all sections of classes within an academic org and show the number and percentage of unused seats. It includes a column for combined enrollment sections. This query should aid departments in making course offering decisions based on past enrollment. The term that should be entered is the past fall or spring term, the query also prompts for your academic org number.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these queries, or if you have any suggestions for data you might find helpful in addition to these.
Standard Course Periods and Breaks
Scheduling most courses into standard course periods allows students to enroll in the courses they need with a conflict free schedule. A table of standard time periods can be found in the Scheduling Guidelines.
The Office of the Registrar will consider scheduling variables in the following order: enrollment capacity, faculty medical needs, pedagogy, back to back sections, location, and non-standard meeting patterns.
Scheduling DeadlinesPatterns/Specifics
Distance Course Delivery Modes
Schedule & Waitlist Handout PDF.pdf
Request a Change to the Schedule of Classes
Request a new Course/Section added