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OM 8.3.1 Auditing Courses and Academic Study by Administrative, Supervisory, and General Staff

About This Policy

Effective Date: July 1987
Last Updated: July 2014
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources

Policy Purpose

Academic study for credit and auditing courses by regular full time administrative, supervisory, and general staff is a benefit that allows employees to take educational courses at Clarkson University.

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Policy Summary

Members of the administrative, supervisory, and general staff who are regular full time employees are entitled to enroll for credit in, or audit, courses taught at Clarkson University without charge.

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Definition of Terms

Eligible Employees: All regular full- time exempt and non-exempt employees, excluding faculty, who work 37.5 or more hours per week. Research employees who are at least on a two year contract and work 37.5 or more hours per week.

Academic Year: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms.

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Policy Statement

Members of the administrative, supervisory, and general staff who are regular full time are entitled to enroll for credit in, or audit, courses taught at Clarkson University without charge. To enroll in a course, an employee must be meeting performance expectations of at least “Right On Track”.

Regular, full Employees may take up to 12 credit hours during an academic year. Employees must make up the time they are away from their work during their normal scheduled work day hours. Hourly employees must clock out while attending classes. Exempt employees must work with their manager to determine how time will be made up. Managers may use discretion or adjust schedules to accommodate class attendance.

Recipients enrolled in graduate level courses should be aware there may be federal and state tax implications, and are encouraged to consult their tax advisor.

For specific restrictions and additional procedures for auditing a course please see Section II-F of the Clarkson Regulations.

For employees interested in taking courses offered by the other member institutions of the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, cross-registration regulations apply with a limit of to two (2) academic courses per year. Winter term courses are not eligible for cross registration. Classes taken as part of the Associated Colleges cross-registration program apply towards the total 12 credit hour limit per academic year.

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Prior to the start of a semester, the employee must fill out the “Authorization for Employee to Enroll” form. The employee must have their supervisor, the next level supervisor and Human Resources signatures before the start of the class. Based in organizational needs or performance related issues, authorization is not automatic. After all signatures are obtained, the form will be submitted to Student Administrative Services for processing with Human Resources retaining responsibility for eligibility records.

If an employee drops a class after the drop/add period( two weeks), it will count as part of the 12 credit hours for that year.

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