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OM 8.1.7 Group Travel Accident Insurance

About This Policy

Effective Date: July 1987
Last Updated: December 2016
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources


The University provides travel accident insurance to all employees at no cost to the individual. This insurance is designed to provide maximum protection for employees whose University duties expose them to the hazards of travel. Benefits of $200,000.00 are provided for accidental death or dismemberment suffered only while the insured are on authorized trips which require them to travel away from the premises of the University.

The death benefit is payable to the estate of the insured unless an individual Designation of Beneficiary Form is filed with the University. Dismemberment benefits are payable to the insured employee.

The Human Resources Office will counsel, distribute the necessary information and enroll all eligible employees for this insurance coverage.

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July 1987

Editorial Revision July 1989

Section Renumbered & Editorial Revision July 2011

Section Renumbered July 2012

Revised October 2015

Editorial Revision (benefit provider name) December 2016

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