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OM 5.10.5 Academic Advising at Clarkson University

About This Policy

Effective Date: September 1991
Last Updated: July 2017
Responsible University Office: President's Office
Responsible University Administrator: President

Policy Contact:

Office of the Provost

At Clarkson advising is an extension of the University's teaching mission in the broadest sense. It should be a process that fosters a student's academic, professional and personal development. The University's goal is to help each student become an independent, self-confident learner -- a person who knows how to find and to use information in making choices, whether in selecting courses, choosing a career, or developing values and goals. Ideally, then, the advising process should be a collaboration between faculty member and student. Sometimes, of course, the faculty member must take the initiative, seeking to identify and help solve a student's problems, especially those relating to academic matters. As the faculty-student relationship matures, the student should become an active, informed participant in the process of setting personal goals and making curricular choices. Because education aims to develop individuals, helping a student achieve this independence is a central task of advising at Clarkson.

In the advising process, both faculty member and student must play a number of roles to foster academic, professional, social and personal development. In academic matters, faculty member and advisee must work together to ensure that the student makes satisfactory progress toward a degree. In addition to monitoring each advisee's progress toward meeting graduation requirements, the advisor should provide feedback on academic performance and be ready to help develop a strategy or make suggestions to meet particular needs. The advisor should serve as a university resource able to provide information or refer a student to the right place for addressing academic, professional, social or personal problems. Both faculty member and student should be alert to opportunities for integrating academic or career goals with co-curricular activities. Both should seek ways to integrate academic concerns with the broad themes of personal and social development central to the University's mission.