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OM 3.1.1 Definition of Employee Groups

About This Policy

Effective Date: August 1973
Last Updated: January 2007
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources Employee Groups

The University has the following five groups of employees as defined below.

Group I. Faculty.

This group comprises those who hold positions of formal academic rank and other related positions that may be designated by the president. Its members are normally employed on an academic year basis, and their duties consist principally of teaching, advising, and counseling students, engaging in research and scholarly pursuits, and participating in the normal operations and functions of the academic community. They are eligible for all fringe benefits.

Group II. Administrative Staff.

This group includes the vice presidents, administrative and academic deans, and directors. They are normally employed on a twelve-month basis, and their duties consist principally of planning, managing, and directing the execution, application, and conduct of the various objective functions and activities of the University. They are eligible for all fringe benefits.

Group III. Professional and Supervisory Staff.

This group includes associates, assistants, supervisors, coordinators, managers, and administrative assistants, etc. They are normally hired on a twelve-month basis, and their duties consist principally of providing specialized assistance to the administrative staff and/or performing responsible supervisory and managerial functions in the operation of a department or section. They are eligible for all fringe benefits.

Group IV. General Staff.

This group includes those employees who implement and carry out the operating functions of a department or section as determined and assigned by the administrative and supervisory staff. These employees are secretaries, clerks, cashiers, technicians, operating and maintenance personnel. They are hired at an hourly rate of compensation based upon job classification and wage scale. Eligibility for fringe benefits is defined in Section 3.4.1.

Group V. Temporary Appointees.

This group includes part time instructors, visiting faculty, temporary faculty, research associates, and all other temporary appointees. It also includes those appointees whose appointments at Clarkson are other than their primary occupation, and all appointees who are employed only for a specific period of time to perform specific assignments. Appointees of this group are generally eligible only for fringe benefits required by federal and state law. For exceptions regarding fringe benefits see Sections for staff, Section 8.2.2 for faculty, and Section 8.2.3 for research associates.

back to top Research Appointments Research Appointments Employees who are supported by external funds (usually research grants and contracts) may be appointed to any of the employee groups listed in Section The external funds must fully pay the cost of the fringe benefits to which employees with such research appointments are entitled by their employee groups. The policies listed in the Operations Manual apply to such research appointments. In addition to these general policies, Section 5.8 states definitions and policies for Research Faculty and Research Associates.

As part of the appointment process for research employees, the Division of Research shall certify the availability of sufficient funds.

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