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Students submit an Echo360 recording assignment in Moodle

For Teachers/Administrators:

In order to create and submit an Echo360 recording for an assignment submission, student have an Echo account. If they don't already have one, an account can be obtained by the following options:

a) Instructor adds an External Tool in Moodle, links to course in Echo. Student logs into Moodle and then clicks on the External Tool. This auto creates the student's account in Echo and enrolls the student in that course in Echo. 

b) Students sends email to to request a student account in Echo360. 

For Students:

Login to View Courses and My Content.

Add content to their Echo library by uploading media in the browser or through the mobile appapp. . 

To add video recordings to your Echo account from your mobile device: 

Install Echo app on mobile device.

Create recording your devices' camera app and save to camera roll (Echo's supported file formats)

Launch Echo app, and Upload recording to Echo through mobile app.

To submit Echo360 video as an assignment in Moodle:

From browser log into Moodle. You must set text editor to Atto HTML editor. Here's how: click your Moodle profile pic (upper right), Preferences, User, Editor preferences, select Atto HTML editor, Save. 

Locate the course and assignment in Moodle. Click add submission, click the Echo button and locate your recording.  

8) Locate recording, select and save.