Moodle Workshop
This page is
The Workshop activity provides a robust tool for setting up peer review
- In edit mode, go to a section and click on choose 'Workshop' from the Activities.
- Give the workshop a name and, if needed, a description
- Select the settings you want. If you are not sure, leave everything as default. See Workshop settings for more detailed information.
- Grading settings - students receive two grades, one for the work they submit and one for the quality of their peer assessments. The page Workshop grading strategies explains this more.
- Submission settings is where you explain the task they must submit.
- Assessment settings is where you give a brief outline of how they will assess the work of their peers.
- Feedback will, if enabled, allow students to add text comments when they review each other's work.
- Example submissions, if enabled, allows you to provide examples for students to practice with before they begin peer assessing. (Enabling this opens more options.)
- Availability gives you the option to allow students to start peer assessing as soon as the submission deadline is over, rather than you enabling this manually.
- Click Save and display and explore the Workshop phases in the section Teacher view below, making sure you complete the Set up phase and switch to the Submission phase when you want your students to begin the activity.
Set up Phase
AI Overview
Once a Workshop activity has been created and saved, it is in the Set up phase. It must be in the Submission phase for students to be able to submit work and then moved to the Assessment phase for them to review each other's submissions. The switch may automatic or manual.
In the submission phase, Workshop participants submit their work. Access control dates can be set so that even if the Workshop is in this phase, submitting is restricted to the given time frame only. Submission start date (and time), submission end date (and time) or both can be specified.
The workshop submissions report allows teachers to see who has submitted and who has not, and to filter by submission and last modified:
Evaluation Phase
Moodle automatically calculates final grades by comparing the different peer assessments and identifying the most "consensus" grade, taking into account how closely the assessments align with the overall group evaluation.
While the system automatically calculates the grades, instructors can adjust the "strictness" of the comparison, allowing them to control how much weight is given to outlier assessments.
During this phase, instructors can provide feedback to both the authors of the submissions and the reviewers who assessed them.
Once the workshop enters the evaluation phase, students cannot modify their submissions or assessments.
See Moodle Docs for more information about the Workshop Activity.