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Webspace Server

OIT provides a LAMP web serving architectureserver for all campus community members. Files are served from Active Directory network file shares suchlike as your U driveU: and theS: Swhich drive.
can be found mounted to most campus computers. All faculty, staff, and student are eligible to use this service.

Also,As OITpart providesof accessthis toservice, ausers publicare access mysql database environment. Each user is permittedallowed to create aone singleMySQL database, withgranted anon unlimitedthe numbercondition ofthat tables.the Userstasks areperformed askedwill tonot respectoverload the server or degrade usability for other users of the system by not overloading the database with extreme volumes of content or continually running ...users.

Support: Help Desk – To open an IT support request, please contact the Helpdesk at or 315-267-4357

Quick Access Guide

To access your personal site, visit

To modify/create your personal site, navigate to your U: drive and create a folder called public_html. This is where your website will be served from, along with anything inside.

If you want to host a Wordpress instance, please consider using instead. It is a dedicated Wordpress hosting instance.

How to accessmodify webspace/adwebyour Webspace

1. On-campus from a Windows Computer

If You Are On-campus With A Clarkson OwnedDevice Laptop/Desktop(Windows)


  1. In


    Explorer, navigate Ifto "My PC"

  2. In your U: Drive, create a folder called public_html
  3. In the public_html folder, create your website
    1. For other sites you arehave onaccess ato Laptop(Projects, youClubs, Orgs, Classes, etc.), those will needbe tofound in the S: Drive
    2. The process is similar, except the public_html folder will be onfound Clarkson'sinside Network
      of that a.Project/Club/Org/Class Either plugged in via ethernet cable (on-campus) or connected via VPN
                   b. VPN Instructions: WindowsLinuxMaciPad/iPhone, or andriod

           1. Open a "File Explorer" window taskbar.JPG

           2.    a. Access your personal webspace

                  Click on the (U:) Drive (Home) and click on "public_html" 

                 b. Access a department, program, organization, club or project directory

                Click on the (S:) Drive (Data) and follow the path to your directory

      Folder            file explorer.JPG

If You Are2. Off-campusCampus Oror OnPersonal A Personally Owned Laptop/Desktop.Computer

 If you are on-campus please ignore step 1 

If you are using Windows Home Edition You will need to use  Windows:

  1. You will need to be on Clarkson's Network (WiFi or Wired) or Clarkson's VPN (

  2. Open File Explorer and in the title bar, type \\\\shares\\
    1. EitherYour pluggedhome in via ethernet cablefolder (on-campus)Mounted on campus computer as U:) will be under either Student Home Directory or connectedEmployee viaHome VPNDirectory,
    2. depending
    3. VPNon Instructions:if Windows,you Linux,are Mac,a iPad/iPhone,Student or andriodEmployee
  3. You

    Rightcan Clickfind onyour thepublic_html Windowsfolder iconunder andyour clickHome on "Run"



Linux theor "Run" window opens type in the directory path you need to access


  1. HomeMount Directories\\\\shares using cifs (Personalrequires Webcifs_utils) Space)and follow the same folder structure described above
    1. \\\shares\HomeMac Directories\"username"\public_html
      may call Replaceit "Username"smbfs withinstead yourof username"        Replace "Home Directories" with "Employee Home Directory" or "Student Home Directory" cifs
  2. ClassesFor
    1. \\\shares\Data\Classes\"Classspecifics, Name"\public_html
    2. you
  3. Clubs
    1. \\\shares\Data\Clubs\"Club Name"\public_html
  4. Programs
    1. \\\shares\Data\Programs\"Program Name"\public_html
  5. Projects
    1. \\\shares\Data\Projects\"Project Name"\public_html

(Example of connecting to a "Project")

run command.PNG


If You Are Off-campus And Not On A Windows Computer 

      You willmay need to accesssearch

Thedo URLthis for Webyour Spacespecific willOS
be<AD username>/