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ACRES - Software - ANSYS Fluent

This page describes how to run ANSYS Fluent jobs on ACRES, using Fluent version 2021R2. (Work in Progress, more details / pictures coming soon)

Quick Steps

  1. Set-up your Fluent Job as you normally would on your local machine. At the end of this, you should have: case file (*.cas), data file (*.dat), and also make a journal file (*.jou). See "How to Make an ANSYS Journal File" for more information on how to make a journal file.
  2. Download the fluent submit script template here:
  3. Edit the submit script to configure the following SLURM settings:
    1. the partition on which to run (can use "dev" partition for quick testing)
    2. the number of nodes
    3. number of tasks
    4. the run-time (set < 15 mins if using "dev" partition)
  4. Adjust the fluent command at the bottom of the submit script for your particular case:
    1. set the version to "2ddp" for 2D Double-Precision or "3ddp" for 3D Double-Precision, etc. as appropriate for your problem
    2. set the number of tasks (the integer after "-t") to the number of tasks you gave to SLURM in step 3.c.
    3. set the name of the journal file (the file name after "-i", toward the end of the command) to the name of your particular journal file.
  5. Copy the following files from your local machine to ACRES (see here for details): (put them in the directory that you want to run your job in)
    1. The case file: *.cas
    2. The data file *.dat
    3. The journal file: *.jou
    4. The SLURM submit script:
  6. cd to the directory that you copied the files to in step 5.
  7. run the command: "sbatch"

How to Make an ANSYS Journal File

  1. Retrieve a list of ANSYS Text Commands:
    1. They are posted here: Ansys_Fluent_Text_Command_List.pdf
    2. Or retrieve them from the ANSYS Customer Portal
      1. Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal and log in. (make an account, if you don't have one)
      2. Click "Online Documentation"
      3. Browse the alphabetically listed menu of programs for "Fluent"
      4. Click "Fluent Text Command List", or click the "PDF" button next to it to download a PDF.
  2. Create a plain text file, and enter any Fluent text commands you would like the journal to execute. See "Using the Text User Interface (TUI)" below to learn more, and practice using Fluent text commands interactively.
  3. You may also enter commands from the programming language Scheme in parentheses: (command)

Frequently Used Commands

The following commands are frequently used:

Read a Case File:


Read a Data File:


Using the Text User Interface (TUI)

To start Fluent with an interactive text user interface, execute the following commands in an ACRES terminal: (the -g option tells Fluent to run without the GUI)

module load Ansys/Fluent/2021R2
fluent -g

You will then be prompted to select a "version" of fluent to run. For example, you may use 2ddp for 2D-Double-Precision or 3ddp for 3D-Double-Precision.

Now you are in the Fluent TUI main menu. Press to see sub-menus.

Enter a sub-menu by typing it's name.

You may obtain a list of text commands, (and which menus they fall under) here: Ansys_Fluent_Text_Command_List.pdf

Or they may also be obtained from the ANSYS Customer Portal:

  1. Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal and log in. (make an account, if you don't have one)
  2. Click "Online Documentation"
  3. Browse the alphabetically listed menu of programs for "Fluent"
  4. Click "Fluent Text Command List", or click the "PDF" button next to it to download a PDF.

Enter the "quit" command to back out of a sub-menu.