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Confluence to Bookstack Steps & Support

Confluence to Bookstack Steps:

Screen Share: Copy content from confluence to bookstack using the Export to Markdown option. (5:39 min)

Steps Checklist:

  1. Open Page Conversion Inventory Google sheets file. Navigate to desired sheet. 
  2. Filter view of Column A to 'Copy to Bookstack - Edits Needed' and 'Copy to Bookstack - As Is' only.
  3. Select from the first row containing  Action: 'Copy to Bookstack - Edits Needed' or 'Copy to Bookstack - As Is', 
  4. Mouse over and click to launch page in confluence in new tab
  5. In new tab, launch, sign in. Select desired book, and click New Page.
  6. Copy/Paste title from confluence page to bookstack page in title field.
  7. In confluence, select drop down hamburger menu and select Export to Markdown
  8. Move file from Downloads folder to other designated folder on C:
  9. Navigate to Bookstack page, drag and drop .md file in the Editor field.
  10. Do a visual check between confluence and bookstack. If deficiencies, tag bookstack page To Edit: (Initial)
  11. Tags - add any tags in bookstack that exist in confluence, plus add either To Approve:(initial) or To Edit:(initial)
  12. Add link from confluence page under the content on the page in bookstack. Add 'Original:' then paste URL
  13. Copy bookstackBookstack page urlPermalink and Paste it in the corresponding cell in Google sheet.
  14. Add initials to Move Owner
  15. Change Action to Moved.
  16. Save page.
  17. If additional edits needed, switch to WYSEG editor for additional content editing and changes. Save page.

Bookstack User Documentation

User Documentation


Bookstack YouTube Channel

Bookstack YouTube Channel

LJP Viewed:

  1. Welcome to BookStack - An Introduction to the Platform
  2. Power User Features in BookStack
  3. BookStack January 2023 Release Overview | v23.01 

Accessible Best Practices:

Alt Text: When to use?

Alt+Text Decision Tree

YouTube Link: Fast 5 Quick Tips to Make your Course More Accessible