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Meet ClaudeChatGPT
AI Overview
ClaudeChatGPT is an AI chatbot that uses natural language processing to have conversations with users. It was developed by OpenAI, an AI research company.
How it works
- ChatGPT uses a
familytransformer algorithm to learn how to generate human-like text - It's trained on large amounts of
foundationaltextAIdatamodelsfromthatthe web, third-party licenses, and user input - ChatGPT can respond to questions, write new content, and summarize or organize text
How to use it
- Users can ask questions or make requests in the form of prompts
- ChatGPT can respond with human-like text
Users can ask for clarification, regenerate responses, and share or copy the responses
- ChatGPT can be used
inforapersonalvarietyassistance,ofprofessionalapplications.andYoueducational support, and more - It's become popular as an alternative to traditional search engines
It cantalkbedirectly with Claude at claude.aiused tobrainstormwriteideas,articles,analyzesocialimages,media posts, essays, code, andprocessemailslong
Potential developersrisks and businesses, you can now get API access and build directly on top of our AI infrastructure.