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What's New in 9.2?

PeopleSoft Financials 9.2

Changes effective January 2021...


Pre-Update 9.2 Version

Post-Update 9.2 Version 

 The color scheme has changedimage2021-1-12_14-23-1.pngimage.png
PeopleSoft no longer supports classic navigation; so, the classic home tile has been removedimage2021-1-12_14-31-7.pngIf you don't use Classic Home, continue business as usual.

If you use the Classic Home tile, here are several options for your transition to the current navigation choices.  All these options give you an example of how to access this former menu path:image.png

OPTION 1:  Do nothing now.  After the upgrade, begin using the tile navigation provided on the homepages:


OPTION 2:  Do nothing now. After the upgrade, continue to use menu path navigation through the Navigation button and choosing Navigator:


OPTION 3:  Prior to the upgrade, save menu paths in Favorites:

1) Navigate to the screen you frequently use

2) Click on Favorites > Add to Favorites

3) After the upgrade, you will find your Favorites by selecting the Navigation button and choosing My Favorites


OPTION 4:  Prior to the upgrade, save a tile to My Homepage

1) Navigate to the screen you frequently use

2) Click on the 3 dots button and select Add to Homepage


3) In the pop-up window, choose My Homepage


4) Navigate to My Homepage to use your new tile


Changes effective April 2017...

Within this document, take me to...


Expense Reports

Central Services

Budget Management




Old 9.1 Version

New 9.2 Version

 PeopleSoft Header now with drop-down homepagesimage2017-4-13 10_14_59.pngimage2017-4-13 10_14_16.png
 Favorites are alphabetized replaced with homepages organized by functionimage2017-4-13 10_16_7.pngimage2017-4-13 10_16_38.png
 Access to (My) Favorites / Recently Usedimage2017-4-13 13_51_1.png image2017-4-13 13_53_43.png
 Menu Path navigation replaced with tile linksimage2017-4-13 10_21_36.pngimage2017-4-21 15_57_53.png




Old 9.1 Version

New 9.2 Version

Navigation to Add/Update a Requisition has changed from menu path to homepage/tile links

Access to Requisition Approval is through a tile link
image2017-4-13 14_37_26.pngimage2017-4-21 15_57_20.png
The term Vendor has been replaced with SupplierVendor


The location of some of the fields has changedimage2017-4-13 14_41_46.png
image2017-4-13 14_43_35.png
Approval Workflow status, formerly through Related Content, is now readily available through the View Approvals linkimage2017-4-13 14_52_23.png

image2017-4-13 15_0_9.png


Expense Reports


Old 9.1 Version
image2017-4-13 15_35_38.png
New 9.2 Version
image2017-4-21 15_56_37.png-
Navigation to the various expense report transactions has changed from menu path to homepage / tile links
 Expense Report Header

The Comment field is now located in the Summary and Submit section under Notes

The location of some of the fields has changed
image2017-4-13 15_57_46.pngimage2017-4-13 15_56_31.png
image2017-4-13 16_1_48.png

Expense Line Item(s)

Selection of the Expense Type will now show only the required fields. No more clicking through multiple tabs. (tick)

 The charge number and associated budget manager is now evident when entering the SpeedChart. (tick)
image2017-4-13 16_14_10.pngimage2017-4-13 16_10_17.png
You now have to enter at least 1 Expense Line before you have the opportunity to:

Set Accounting Defaults

Apply Cash Advances

Associate Travel Authorization
image2017-4-13 17_9_16.pngimage2017-4-13 17_6_25.png
You can now Withdraw Expense Report prior to 1st level approval; previously the Expense Report had to be Sent Back for Revisionimage2017-4-13 17_18_19.pngimage2017-4-13 17_16_43.png


Budget Management


Old 9.1 Version

New 9.2 Version

Navigation to the various budget tools has changed from menu path to homepage / tile linksimage2017-4-13 15_10_34.png
image2017-4-13 15_10_59.png
image2017-4-13 15_11_22.png
image2017-4-13 15_10_10.png
image2017-4-13 15_11_45.png
image2017-4-13 15_12_16.png

image2017-4-13 15_9_23.png
 Project / Grant Dashboard can no longer be shown on the main pageimage2017-4-13 15_17_22.png Due to the change in navigation, this customized tool can no longer be displayed immediately upon accessing PeopleSoft Financials




Old 9.1 Version

New 9.2 Version

Navigation to Approvals has changed from Worklist to homepage / tile links

(this tile also exists on the Expense Report homepage)
image2017-4-14 11_8_47 (1).pngimage2017-4-21 15_55_15.png


Central Services


Old 9.1 Version
image2017-4-13 17_39_39.png
image2017-4-13 17_41_20.png
image2017-4-13 17_41_39.png
New 9.2 Version
image2017-4-13 17_40_26.png
### Navigation to Receiving and Internal Billing tools has changed from menu path to homepage / tile links
