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OM 8.3.6 Short Term Disability Benefits Program for Administrative, Supervisory, and General Staff – Cigna

About This Policy

Effective Date: July 2011
Last Updated: 7/1/2020
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Human Resources & Deputy Chief Inclusion Officer
Policy Type: University
Applies to: All Regular Full-time and Part-time Staff, Hourly and Exempt

Policy Contact:

Human Resources

Table of Contents:

Policy Statement

Policy Purpose

Clarkson’s overall goal is to improve the health and well-being of employee’s lives through health education and activities that support positive lifestyle changes thereby reinforcing that Clarkson is a great place to work. The University recognizes that, at times, employees may be unable to work due to personal illness or injury. During such circumstances, the employee may be able to access the University’s Short-term Disability program.

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Policy Summary

The University provides employees with a Short-term Disability program that provides 60% of their salary with the option to buy up to 80% of their salary if they are unable to work due to a personal illness or injury. This policy describes the mechanism for eligible employees to access the Short-term Disability program and procedures.

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Definition of Terms

Eligible employees: Exempt and non-exempt staff employees (Non-Faculty) employed by the University on a full/part time basis (17.5 hours or greater).

Employment Benefits: All benefits provided by the University to eligible employees including: group life insurance, disability insurance, dental insurance, health insurance, vision insurance, vacation, sick leave, special days, educational benefits, and retirement contributions.

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Policy Statement

The University provides a short-term disability program to regular full-time and part-time employees scheduled to work at least 17.5 hours per week.

The short-term disability program provides employees 60% of their salary with the option to buy up to 80% of their gross weekly salary while they are out on leave up to $2300.00/week.

If the disability is caused by an accidental injury, physical disease, pregnancy, or a mental disorder, the benefits under short-term disability will begin after the seven (7) day waiting period. If available, the employee must use sick time to cover the seven (7) day waiting period.  If the employee does not have sick days to cover, vacation or special personal time may be used or the employee may take the time unpaid.

The maximum benefit period in which the employee will be covered under the short-term disability program is 180 days.  However, short-term disability benefits will end on the date long-term disability benefits start even if that occurs before the end of the maximum benefit period.

Employee elected benefits remain active while on short-term disability leave. It is the employee’s responsibility to continue to pay for missed benefit premiums for the duration of the short-term disability leave.

Employees can choose to supplement their short-term disability leave by using vacation, sick or special personal days to cover benefit premiums and/or to cover the difference in pre-disability payments from our disability carrier in the amount of 20% or 40% based on employees' elected coverage.

Employees on short-term disability leave will not accrue vacation, sick or special personal days.

All access to Clarkson’s email or other operating systems will be temporarily disabled while out on a short-term disability leave.

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If the employee is unable to perform their work duties due to an accident or illness and expect to be out of work for three (3) or more days the employee should:

  • Contact Human Resources and supervisor immediately.
  • Discuss short-term disability and obtain necessary paperwork from Human Resources.
  • Complete and submit required paperwork including medical forms to Human Resources. 

Supervisors must direct employees to Human Resources upon an employee requesting leave. 

Supervisor must also contact Human Resources immediately if an employee has been out of work for three (3) or more days.

Employees are required to use sick time to cover the Short-term Disability seven (7) day waiting period; if the employee does not have sick time available they may choose to use vacation or special personal time to cover any part of their illness or disability, but it is not required. If the employee does not have time available to cover the seven (7) day waiting period, those days will be unpaid.

For more information regarding Clarkson University’s Short-term Disability policy please email, visit the Human Resources webpage or refer to the reference center in the benefits portal.

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Adopted July 2011

Section Renumbered 2014

Editorial Revision (benefit provider name) December 2016

Editorial Revision, December 2019

Updated, 7/1/2020

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