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OM 8.3.10 Vacation - Administrative, General and Supervisory Staff

About This Policy

Effective Date: OctoberMarch 19892023
Last Updated: 20142023
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources

& Deputy Chief Inclusion Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources

Policy Purpose

ToThe provideUniversity aunderstands consistentthe approachimportance of vacation time off for its employees. The purpose of this policy is to managing vacation, it isexplain the joint responsibility of an employeeguidelines and theirprocedures supervisor to ensure thatfor vacation leave is scheduled, and taken at mutually agreeable times.time.

Policy Summary

ThisVacation Policytime appliesprovides totime allaway Universityfrom departments,work Institutes,for Centersan individual’s physical and Schools.psychological well-being.

Definition of Terms:

Eligible Employees
  • Non-Exempt Hourly Staff and Exempt Salaried Staff
  • Regular Full-time or Part-time Positions

Policy Statement

The University encourages staff to use accrued vacation time for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits. Effective management of vacation time is shown to increase efficiency on the job, encourage continued employment and workplace morale.

Staff hired before June 30, 2023 will accrue vacation during the current fiscal year for the following fiscal year.

  • Employees working 9, 10, or 11 months per fiscal year will be prorated based on actual months and daily hours worked.
  • Vacation time providesis employeesbased withon the number of hours worked per workday and the employee’s regular workweek schedule.
    • Regular Five (5) Day Workweek: seven and a periodhalf (7.5) hour per day or eight (8.0) hours per day
      • Example:
        • 37.5 hour employee = 75 hours bi-weekly
        • 40 hour employee = 80 hours bi-weekly
    • Staff on a flexible work schedule (i.e. – compressed workweek and flex days): The number of earnedtotal resthours of vacation time remains the same, but the number of actual days off would change.

Compressed Workweek Schedule: ten (10) or twelve (12) hour days

          • Example:
            • Four (4) ten (10) hour days = Four (4) ten (10) hour vacation days
          • Example:
            • Two (2) twelve (12) hour days plus two (2) eight (8) hour days = Two (2) twelve (12) hour vacation days plus two (2) eight (8) hour vacation days

Accrued time will be front loaded for each fiscal year on July 1:

Non-Exempt Hourly Staff:

      • Vacation days accrue per month worked and relaxation,are awaybased fromon consecutive years of service.
        • 1-5 years = 75/80 vacation hours
        • 6-10 years = 112.50/120 vacation hours
        • 11-20 years = 150/160 vacation hours
        • 21 or more years = 187.5/200 vacation hours

Exempt Salaried Staff:

      • Vacation days accrue per month worked and are based on consecutive years of service.
        • 0-20 years = 20 vacation days
        • 21 or more years = 25 vacation days

Staff hired after July 1, 2023 will begin accruing vacation time on the responsibilitiesfirst day of the workplace for an uninterrupted period of time, while continuing to receive normal remuneration and benefits.

It is Clarkson University’s policy that employees are entitled to take vacationmonth following the completion of one (1) full month of service. Example: Date of hire is June 10th, completion of one month is July 10th then vacation will begin accruing on August 1st.

  • Employees working 9, 10, or 11 months per fiscal year earned.will be prorated based on actual months and daily hours worked.

Vacation hours are available to use as time accrues based on the following:

Non-Exempt Hourly Staff Working:

      • Seven and a half (7.5) hours per day accrue vacation hours at the rate of 6.25 per month worked.
      • Eight (8) hours per day accrue vacation hours at the rate of 6.67 per month worked.
      • Vacation hours can be used for partial or full days; minimum of 15-minute increments.
      • Accruable hours increase after completing 5 years, 10 years and 20 years of service.
        • 1-5 years = 75/80 vacation hours
        • 6-10 years = 112.50/120 vacation hours
        • 11-20 years = 150/160 vacation hours
        • 21 or more years = 187.5/200 vacation hours

Exempt Salaried Staff Working:

      • Seven and a half (7.5) hours per day accrue vacation days at the rate of 1.67 per month worked.
      • Eight (8) hours per day accrue vacation days at the rate of 1.67 per month worked.
      • Vacation days can only be used in full day increments.
      • Accruable hours increase after the completion of 20 years of service.
        • 0-20 years = 150/160 vacation hours
        • 21 or more years = 187.5/200 vacation hours


The University administrativevacation policy allows staff to earn vacation hours based on the number of months, hours and supervisoryyears staffconsecutively observe the following:worked.

  1. Vacation Periods
    • Scheduled at times mutually agreeable to the staff members and their supervisors. 
    • Staff members will make arrangements whereby their responsibilities are covered during their absence. 
    • Department and administrative offices are to be staffed adequately during the summer months. 
    • Vacations may be taken continuously or at intervals, though the latter is preferred for adequate coverage.
    • No vacationVacation time is accrued whenconsidered an employeeearned benefit.
    • Vacation time cannot be used before it is earned.
    • Vacation time can be used for any reason.
    • Employees hired after July 1, 2023 will begin accruing vacation hours on athe paidfirst or unpaid leaveday of absences

      the month following the completion of one (1) full month of service.
      • Example: Date of hire is June 10th, completion of one month is July 10th then vacation will begin accruing on August 1st.
    • Vacation Schedules
      Employeesaccruals are requiredcapped to plan their vacation, withat the approvalmaximum of theiraccruable supervisorhours based on consecutive years of service.
    • Accrual balances over the capped maximum accruable number of hours or carryover hours and have no cash value at the supervisorend must ensure that annual vacation is taken. Supervisors shall use discretion in scheduling vacation. Factors to be considered may include peak workload periods and other circumstances relevant to operational requirements or service and an employee’s personal situation or request.
      • All administrative and supervisory staff vacations are scheduled on athe fiscal year basisand will not be paid out if the employee leaves the university.
      • Vacation time cannot be borrowed or transferred to another employee.
      • Vacation requests for:
        • Two (July-June).2) or more consecutive weeks must be submitted at a minimum of one (1) month in advance for manager approval.
        • Three (3) or more consecutive days should be requested at least two (2) weeks in advance for manager approval.
        • The University understands that unknown situations may arise that prevent vacation requests being submitted in a timely manner.
      • AdministrativeThe andUniversity supervisoryreserves staffthe accumulateright twentyto daysdesignate periods of time vacation can be used based on operational needs.
      • A self-initiated move between departments will include transfer of vacation duringtime. eachVacation fiscaltime year.may adjust depending on the position you move to.
      • UpEmployees will not accrue vacation time if they are on any type of leave of absence and must work the whole month to fiveaccrue vacation time. Regular use of vacation, sick or special personal days will not affect accruals like a leave of absence would.
      • If an employee leaves the University then returns vacation accruals will restart on the return date of hire and prior vacation status does not apply.

      Carry Over Days

      • Employees hired before June 30, 2023 can carry over up to five (5) vacation days or 37.5/40 hours to the following fiscal year, however, they must be used by August 30, and unused carry over days unused will be lost.
        • These five (5) carryover days or 37.5/40 hours have no cash value.
        • value
        • Duringand thewill fiscalnot yearbe wherepaid if an employee hasleaves reachedthe theirUniversity. twentiethNewly anniversaryaccrued ofor employment,unused administrativevacation days will be paid if proper notice is given and supervisorythe staffemployee will accumulate twenty-five days of vacation for use duringmeets the nextseparation fiscalguideline year.

      • VacationEmployees forhired aJuly New1, Employee2023 or after will continue to accrue time based on hours and months worked.
        • ProratedIf duringafter an employee's first year of service they have accrued more than the firstallotted fiscalhours yearon worked.August
        • 30th
        • Duringvacation thathours firstwill fiscalbe year,set to accrual rates based on years of service hours indicated in the employeeabove shall earn vacation at the rate of one and two-third day for each month of employment. 
        • No vacation should be taken from the date of hire until July 1 of the next fiscal year as a new employee is accumulating vacation during this period.

          The following example illustrates the vacation accumulation for an administrative and supervisory staff member:

          Employee A is hiredsection on DecemberPolicy 1. Employee A is not eligible for any vacation until the following July 1. At that time, Employee A will have accumulated the following vacation: one and two-thirds (days) times seven months (December - June) or twelve days of vacation. All twelve days of this accumulation should be taken during the period July 1 - June 30.Statement.
      • R


      Employee: It is the responsibility of the employee to make all request for vacation in writing, to the supervisor in a timely manner.

      Supervisors: Every supervisor is responsible for scheduling and documenting vacation time used by exempt and non-exempt employees, and will be accountable for the day-to-day management and application of this policy.

      Human Resources may request these records at any time.

      Department leaders: Ensures that all university employees are aware of and understand the implications of this policy and related procedures.

      Human Resources: Monitor’s compliance with the policy to ensure consistency in practice, and will sponsor revisions when necessary.

      Payroll department: Record’s and tracks all vacation credits through the university’s HR/payroll system.

    • Approval
      Vacation time is scheduled with the approval of the supervisor and should be planned cooperatively. Supervisors should be reasonable in allowing the use of vacation time.

      • Vacation can be used for any reason
      • Managers/Supervisors have the ability to deny time off request based on business needs.
      • Provide your supervisor with at least two weeks’ notice or more if possible requires approval prior to being taken.
      • The University understands that notification may not always be possible due to emergencies or personal situations.
    • Guidelines
      • Vacation time cannot be borrowed or transferred to another employee.
      • Vacation cannot be taken before earned
      • The University reserves the right to approve vacation periods.
      • In order for the initial month to be counted for vacation accruals, employment must begin on or before the tenth day of the month.
      • Pay in lieu of vacation is not permitted.
      • A self-initiated move between departments will include transfer of vacation credit.
      • Vacations of more than two consecutive weeks will not be scheduled without special approval.
      • If a recognized University holiday occurs during an authorized vacation period, the holiday will not be charged as a day of vacation time.
      • Active


      will earn vacation allowance on a pro-rata basis.
    • Temporary employees will not earn vacation allowance.
      • Active full-time and active part-time employeesstaff who resign in good standing andstanding, give a proper notice willand receive their unused vacation pay. (If the employee meetsmeet the separation guideline requirements will be paid for unused and accrued vacation time.
        • Separation guidelines per policy 3.1.18 Termination/Resignation Policy).Policy.
          • Non-Exempt Hourly Staff: Two (2) Weeks’ Notice
          • Exempt Salaried Staff: Four (4) Weeks’ Notice
  • Pay
  • in
    vacation is not permitted.
  • Vacation time is not allowed to be taken during an employee’s notice period.
  • Vacation time approved prior to the submission of a proper notice of resignation may be allowed.
  • Benefit-eligible staff accrue vacation in accordance with this policy. Furthermore, employees and supervisors are responsible for requesting, using, approving, and recording vacation in accordance with this policy.

    Requesting Vacation Time

    Supervisor’s Responsibility

    • Accrued vacation hours are available for use by all eligible employees immediately upon accrual and with approval from the supervisor.
    • Supervisors are responsible for scheduling and documenting vacation time used by exempt and nonexempt staff and will be accountable for the day-to-day management and application of this policy.
    • Supervisor’s should encourage employees to use available vacation time within the current fiscal year (July-June) or as accrued time becomes available.
    • Supervisors shall use discretion in scheduling vacation and should be reasonable in allowing the use of vacation time.
      • Factors to be considered may include peak workload periods, and other circumstances relevant to operational requirements or service and an employee’s personal situation or request.
      • Supervisors have the ability to deny time off requests based on business needs.
    • Supervisors and department leaders should ensure that all university employees are aware of and understand the implications of this policy and related procedures.

    Employee’s Responsibility

    • Vacation time requires approval prior to use.
    • All employees are required to report vacation time.
      • Non-Exempt Hourly Staff should request vacation time in the University’s timecard management system.
      • Union employees should request vacation time directly with their supervisor who will update the University’s timecard management system.
      • Union employees are required to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Collective Bargaining Union Contract (CSEA).
    • Exempt Salaried Staff should request time off in the University’s PeopleSoft Time Management System.

    Human Resources: Monitors compliance with the policy to ensure consistency in practice, and will sponsor revisions when necessary.

    Payroll Department: Records and tracks all vacation credits through the University’s timecard management system and PeopleSoft Management System.

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    Policy Revision October 1989

    Section Renumbered July 2011

    Section Renumbered July 2012

    Section Renumbered 2014

    Revised August 2019

    Revised March 2023

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