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OM 7.7.0 Use of University Facilities

About This Policy

Effective Date: April 1968
Last Updated: January 2004
Responsible University Office: President's Office
Responsible University Administrator: President

Policy Contact:

Office of the President


  1. Scheduling of Facilities
    Facilities for regularly scheduled classes during the academic year and summer sessions are scheduled through the Student Administrative Services Center and given priority.

    Campus facilities, i.e., classrooms, auditoria, etc., used for meetings or events are reserved through the Cheel Information Center. Certain types of reservations may require prior approval before confirmation is given, depending upon the location and time of year requested.

    All arrangements by scheduling officers shall be forwarded to the Physical Plant Office and Office of Campus Safety.

    It is expected that all events held in University facilities will be conducted in a manner appropriate to an academic community. All events must meet the other conditions found in Section 7.6 before a reservation will be finalized. 
  2. Student Organizations
    Student organizations recognized by the Student Senate may schedule campus facilities for normal academic or extra-curricular activities. In instances where these student groups wish to sponsor activities with off-campus groups having related interests, they are expected to take on full sponsorship of the activities in order to avoid situations where their endorsement simply is used to enable outside groups to secure campus facilities, or where they find themselves shouldering the responsibility for events which they have not run.

    Student organizations are usually not charged for the use of facilities except for unusual activities entailing special expenses or University services. See paragraph 7 of this section for exceptions regarding political clubs. 
  3. Clarkson Affiliates
    Clarkson affiliates scheduling space for external organizations will be governed by the policy related to use by non-University groups. 
  4. Non-University Groups
    The University recognizes its responsibility to the community and makes many of its facilities available to non-University, politically nonpartisan, nonprofit groups offering the community services. These groups may use the facilities on an occasional, non-continuing basis. Charges may be incurred for use of University facilities.

    Requests for use of facilities by such groups should be addressed to the director of Cheel Campus Center. A certificate of insurance must be filed with the office of Budgeting, Planning and Insurance. 
  5. Security Arrangements
    In the case of programs where a security problem may be involved, the organization in question has the responsibility for making security arrangements. However, if the University feels that the security arrangements are inadequate, it reserves the right to cancel the scheduled event. 
  6. Admission Charge
    In order to protect the University's tax-exempt status, spectators may be charged admission only when the proceeds accrue to the support of a recognized University organization or a University-approved charitable group. 
  7. Political Clubs
    The University traditionally has recognized and provided facilities on an impartial basis to various on-campus activities that have a partisan political bent, such as the Democratic, the Republican, and other political clubs. This represents no problem. However, to the extent that such organizations extend their activities beyond the campus and intervene or participate in campaigns on behalf of candidates for public office, or permit nonmembers of the University community to avail themselves of University facilities or services, the University must make certain that proper and appropriate charges are made and collected for all facilities and services provided.

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