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OM 7.26.0 Clarkson University Naming Gift Policy

About This Policy

Effective Date: October 2016
Last Updated: November 2016
Responsible University Office: Office of the President
Responsible University Administrator: President

Policy Contact:

Office of the President


The Clarkson University Board of Trustees authorizes the President to make commitments to prospective donors regarding naming designations for proposed and existing buildings, facilities, colleges, schools, scholarships, endowments and campus areas, in a manner consistent with historic practice. The President may, but shall not be obligated to, consult with the Chair of the Development Committee (or successor committee) of the Board of Trustees in determining the terms and conditions of such commitments.

The University reserves the right to remove the name of any building, facility, college, school, scholarship, endowment or campus area established pursuant to a naming commitment to one or more donors in the event that any or all of the donors engage(s) in any act or omission that, as reasonably determined by majority vote of the University’s Board of Trustees, is likely to be offensive to the University’s alumni and/or donor communit(y)(ies) or the community at large, or otherwise injurious to the reputation of the University.

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