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OM 5.11.1 Faculty Sabbatical Fellowship Program

About This Policy

Effective Date: April 1982
Last Updated: July 2017
Responsible University Office: President's Office
Responsible University Administrator: President

Policy Contact:

Office of the Provost

The Clarkson University faculty sabbatical fellowship program began July 1, 1983.

I. Purpose

The purpose of a faculty fellowship shall be to provide the faculty member with time, free from regular duties, for activities which contribute toward professional development. Eligible faculty members should be encouraged to take advantage of the faculty fellowship program for this purpose. Deans and chair should make maximum use of their offices to make such plans feasible. The spirit of this program is that faculty members should not seek financial gain through the faculty fellowship program. The faculty fellowship program is not intended to replace other leave opportunities.

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II. Fellowship Types

There are three fellowship types available under this program:

  1. Two successive semesters with a stipend of one-half the normal salary of the faculty member during the fellowship period. 
  2. One semester with a stipend equal to the normal salary of the faculty member during the fellowship period. 
  3. One semester with a stipend equal to one-half the normal salary of the faculty member during the fellowship period. 

The University shall maintain all fringe benefits during the fellowship period for all three types.

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III. Eligibility

Those members of the faculty shall be considered eligible who have served at Clarkson for at least six years and at the time of application have been granted tenure. The six years need not be consecutive, but time spent on leave of absence shall not count toward the fellowship program eligibility. Thereafter, eligibility for either a type 1 or a type 2 fellowship requires six years of service, and eligibility for a type 3 fellowship requires three years of service since the completion of any previous fellowship.

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IV. Completion of Fellowship

Any member of the faculty accepting a fellowship is required to return to the University for at least one academic year after the fellowship period. Faculty members who fail to return must reimburse the University for their salary payments and the cost of fringe benefits for the term of the fellowships. Upon completion of their fellowships, faculty members shall be required to submit to their immediate superiors short written summary reports covering relevant activities during the periods and giving an account of compensation received from outside sources during that time. The purpose of such a report is to assist toward future revisions of the faculty fellowship program and will be kept available for this purpose.

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V. Application

Application will be made in writing and transmitted for action through the department chair, the appropriate dean, and the vice-president for academic affairs. Applicants are required to supply a vita and a plan outlining developmental objectives for the proposed fellowship, and the process by which the applicant intends to meet the stated objectives.

Applications must be filed at least one year in advance: to the department chair by September 1 for the following Fall semester; by January 15 for the following Spring semester. Exceptions to the one-year advance notice can be granted by the Provost. The department chair, in consultation with the dean, may delay the timing of the sabbatical by up to a year if there are urgent teaching needs in the department. The application must include a statement accepting the terms in Section IV. If a fellowship is granted, any change in plans must be approved as was the original application. Refusals of fellowships to faculty members at any time do not exclude them from consideration at a later time.

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