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OM 4.3.5 Supplemental Compensation Procedures - Exempt Non-Faculty

About This Policy

Effective Date: January 1999
Last Updated: April 2016
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources


This policy provides University managers and supervisors with guidelines and procedures for Supplemental Pay for employees assigned to Professional and Administrative Staff Exempt positions.

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The University may but is not required to supplement exempt employees' pay when they assume additional assignments under the following conditions:

  1. Perform tasks at a higher level of accountability/complexity generally due to an absence or vacancy for a defined period of time or that is not part of a stretch or developmental assignment 
  2. Work outside their department performing duties which are different then their current job or 
  3. Serve as a temporary backfill for vacant positions within their department which is at a higher grade than their current positions in addition to their current job. 

Supplemental pays are recommended by the employee's department head and must be approved by the Human Resources and the President before notifying the employee.

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Supplemental Pay: Payment in addition to regular earnings.

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Supplemental Pay may be used to provide compensation for occasional services provided to the University by a Professional or Administrative exempt employee outside of the normal work effort. For supplemental pay to be considered the employee must perform work:

Outside the department:

  • Outside the scope of the employee’s University job responsibilities, 
  • Not related to a service that would otherwise be provided by the employee’s department, 
  • Note: If the employee is working outside of their department and that work is performed during their normal work hours, the employee must use vacation and/or special personal time to cover their time away from the office (i.e. teaching or participating in a class/trip off campus).Volunteering to serve as an academic chaperone. Note: vacation must be taken to receive supplemental pay. 

Within the department:

  • Backfill for a vacancy and while continuing to perform their current job duties which requires work after normal business hours 
  • Volunteering to serve as an academic chaperone. Note: vacation must be taken to receive supplemental pay.

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Criteria for Supplemental Pay:

  • Duties must be related to University business 
  • Duties must not interfere with current responsibilities 
  • Duties should not be reasonably included in employee’s current job description or part of the work typically associated with their job 
  • Employee must use non-work time (i.e. vacation, special personal) 
  • Duties must not conflict with other Clarkson University responsibilities 

All approvals on electronic Supplemental Appointment Authorization Forms must be completed at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled work being performed. Signatures must be obtained from the following before the employee is notified of the supplemental pay:

  • Immediate supervisor (dean, vice president, etc) of the individual to whom the supplemental pay is to be made. 
  • Executive Director of Human Resources 
  • Division of Research ( if using external research accounts) 
  • President, 
  • President and CFO if the total supplemental compensation to be paid exceeds the guidelines (see below) 
    • For any case in which the staff member’s supplemental pay exceeds 10% of annual base salary, Chief Financial Officer approval must be obtained from the President. This approval must be obtained prior to any agreement with or commitment to, the staff member in question.

*These approvals must be completed at least ten (10) working days prior to the work being performed

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