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OM 3.4.1 The Four Types of Appointments

About This Policy

Effective Date: July 1987
Last Updated: January 2004
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources

  1. Active Full-Time Employees. These employees are appointed on a full-time, twelve-month service basis, engaged at a definite hourly rate, paid biweekly for the normal work week hours of thirty-seven and a half (secretarial, clerical and service), or forty (maintenance, campus safety, and service). Employees in this category are eligible for all fringe benefits. 
  2. Active Part-Time Employees. These employees are appointed on a part-time, twelve-month service basis, engaged at a definite hourly rate, paid biweekly. Parttime employees shall be hired on the basis of half- time (average of seventeen and a half to twenty hours per week), or three-quarter time (average of twenty-eight to thirty hours per week). Employees in this category are eligible for all fringe benefits except group long-term total-disability coverage. The following fringe benefits will be prorated based on half time or three-quarter-time status: vacations and sick leave. 
  3. Seasonal Employees. These employees are normally appointed for periods of ten months or less, either on a full-time or part-time basis, and are engaged at a definite hourly rate paid biweekly. Full-time seasonal employees are eligible for all fringe benefits. Part-time seasonal employees are eligible for all fringe benefits except group long-term total-disability coverage. All part-time seasonal employees shall be hired on the basis of one-half time or three -quarter time. The following fringe benefits will be prorated for all seasonal employees based on the one-half time or three-quarter time status: vacations and sick leave. 
  4. Temporary Employees. Any employee hired on the basis of working less than seventeen and a half hours per week is classified as temporary. Additionally, an employee hired to work for a specified time period of less than one academic year is also classified as a temporary employee. All temporary employees are eligible for statutory benefits as defined by state and federal law. Temporary employees who work on the average of at least seventeen and a half hours per week and are initially hired for a minimum of three months will be eligible for medical and dental benefits and group life insurance. No other fringe benefits shall apply to temporary employees.